Headed to the Big City!
So transfers were this week and well... I'll be leaving Masvingo and heading to the big city in Harare!!! Kabuzuma to be exact! And have a new wonderful companion that just got out of his 12 weeks, Elder Mbafu! Who is from Tanzania. Pretty sweet! From what I have seen he is a sweet and fun guy! Excited to see what will happen this next transfer.
Also sweetest moment of the mission. So my entire mission I have been away from the big city, and basically most of the missionaries. Haha so when I arrived at Harare I basically knew no one that was there. But hey I guess this is the transfer to meet a bunch of new missionaries. So anyways Since I have been away from the city for so long. I have not been able to see any of the Elders that I came with from the MTC.
So after a year since I have last seen their faces. All 4 of us missionaries were reunited at the mission office. Haha it was so awesome! Think that was the most I have ever hugged on my mission! And even better, we will all be able to see each other much more often because we are all serving in Harare now. Elder Whiting is now the AP, Elder Bollinger is now my Zone Leader, and me and Elder Allen are both District leaders. So it's pretty sweet!
Although I will be starting a new adventure I will truley miss the place of Masvingo. Served a good 4 1/2 months there!
So things I will miss most will be the great friends that I have made there. Sister Makuwe is one. A recent convert mother who treats us like her children as well. I loved her so much and she worried and cared for us the entire time we were there. She also help out tons with the missionary work.
Also will miss a recent Convert Junior. He was such a great kid. And is super powerful in the church. Also I was able to beat him in a game of chess. (Because he is soooo sooo amazing at chess! Best I have ever seen) And I hope for the best for him and his future plans to serve a misison.
Lastly I will miss all the lovely members there that were very kind and welcoming at the branch.
It is sad to leave this peopel behind. But what I learned here "We Meet to part and part to Meet" So someday I'll see these wonderful people again.