We had baptisms this Saturday! Almost automatically one of my favorite days when a baptism happens! But for us we had 4 candidates get baptized! They were all super ready! Especially Bro. John! He was so into the gospel and he literally teaches us when we go to teach him. haha But the baptisms were great! Our whole zone had a total of around 23 baptisms that day! It was such a miracle! It truly shows how much Zimbabwe is growing in the gospel!
A Fortunate Soul!
So do you remember when I talked about someone by the name of Sister Moyo? Well... Funny story. That actually isn't her name. Haha she told us last week that that is the name of her neighbor and that we were mixing them up... So that's embarrassing.. haha Been calling her by the wrong name for over a month now. But her name is Sister Fortune! She is incredible! (She is the one who asked why the Book of Mormon has been hidden from her this whole time.) Then this week we taught both her and her mom about the Plan of Salvation! It went Really Really Great!! We were talking about what happens after we die on this life and we explained that we go to a place called the Spirit World where we rest from our labors on earth and can still have the opportunity to be taught about the gospel and change. She was so happy when we told her that! She was joyed by the fact that God always gives us more chances to change! And she whole heatedly believed it was true! It was quite a great lesson!
Contacting With the Youth!
On Saturday we had a missionary activity with the youth!! It turned out so great! (I was a bit nervous at first how everything would work out) But it was fantastic! We had about 40 youth there and with the help of the other Elders in the Zone, we went out into 4 groups and helped the youth to contact people on the streets and share the gospel! It was so much fun! And the youth absolutely loved it! It got the youth more excited about missionary work and there were some who were just on fire! They would be like "Oh! We have to talk to this one!" And then they would joyfully walk over to the people/person and talk about our church! It was definitely a success! And want to plan more activities like this!
Following Elder Young Yen's Footsteps...
So Funny story... There has been a LOT of rain recently and well the roads here are all dirt. And Water+Dirt=MUD PUDDLES! So they are everywhere, right? Well it was dark and we were walking to a members house, and my companion has the torch (flashlight) in front of us. (And just a little background: The night before we were walking home with Bro. Griffith, a RM, and I seriously hit every single puddle there was and got all muddy. So I have had great experience in this field.) SO, I was just waking behind my companion thinking I was all smart to be safe from these puddles, then just when my security was all built up, Splash! I stepped in a puddle! But just to make things worse, while I was groaning about the first puddle I step in, Splash I stepped in another! Then I decided, "Aright I'll walk directly behind my companion." And Two steps later!.. Squish! I step in some good quality mud! Haha THen after that I decided that I'm going to walk in the exact steps of my companion. So there is my companion walking in front, and then me looking down so carefully at his feet to make sure that I walk in his direct path! Then there was this one time a car passed, and I looked up for just a moment... and what do you know... splash! I step in yet another puddle! Haha It was quite a funny night! We had quite a laugh out of it the whole time.
BUT! haha I was thinking about this story more afterwards, and I thought, "Well I could just make this into a spiritual story!" If you compare me to us in this world and my companion as the savior. Then in order to stay safe from the "Mud Puddles" in the world, then we need to follow the example of Christ and follow his footsteps. Not just meandering behind, but to strive to follow him with exactness. And while we are following him, we need to make sure that we don't get distracted by worldly things, because one wrong step can lead to a foot covered in mud! So if you get one thing out of this message, get this. "Exactness in keeping the Commandments, keeps your shoes clean and safe from the Devil's mud puddles in this world today!" So choose to follow Christ! :)
I'm a murderer!
Yes, it is true... I have officially killed my first... Chicken! It was actually pretty cool! Quite the experience of my lifetime! haha The chicken was surprisingly well behaved. Definitely went to a mannerism school or something, because the whole time, until it's last breath, it didn't make any noise or squirm!.... Until... I cut off it's head! Then somehow, it started squawking and moved so crazily that the blood got everywhere! I was blood splattered after and literally had blood on my hands! "Caught red handed" as you can say. Haha but it was a great new experience!
Well I hope that everyone had such a great week! I love you all!!
Baptisms! and Before and After pictures of the chicken! Hopefully it's not too graphic!
Elder Parco