So we hit raining season in Zimbabwe! It's great because it cools down the scorching hot ground beneath our feet! But on the downside, when it rains, IT RAINS. So if we arent in a house, then we get soaked! But this week we were able to use it to our advantage!
So Tuesday, we were in the area walking around, proselighting. Then we saw the clouds roll in and the wind pick up, and realize... A Storm's a brewing. So we visited one of our investigators, Sister Chakacha. As soon as we got there, the rain started coming in. Unfoutunately, Sister Chakacah wasn't there, but her Sister was! Seeing the circumstance that could of happen if she didn't let these two wonderful missionaries inside, she decided to let us in! We were able to teach her about the Restoration and it went really well! We told he that next time we visited we can teach both her and her sister together! It was quite a blessing!
So right after the rain died down we headed out again, and my companion had this feeling to visit this house. So of course we did! It was this nice family of 4 and the Father, we met in Kingston about a month earlier. (He was selling his healthy popcicles) It was pretty awesome how we saw him again! So we started teaching him, and half way through the lesson it started to down pour super hard! And I was so glad that I wasn't in that storm outside, in the cold! haha But the lesson went super well, we set another appointment with him the following week.
So one more rain story... Saturday! It pour!! The roads basically turned into rivers and the thunder was so loud, it sounded like gunshots! But it was awesome! Haha luckily it was nighttime by that time and we headed to town to eat some dinner. But man was it sweet! I forgot how much I liked storms like this! It lasted for a couple of hours and then died down. But the negative part... Our power was out in our town until Monday afternoon! Almost two days! But I guess that's what happens when you have a big storm like this!
My Companion Fishes! Epicly!
So this week all four of us Woodbrook missionaries ate with our Branch President! And man I learned something so cool about my companion!
Elder Young Yen my companion from Samoa fishes! But this isn't the normal throw a line in the water and wait type of fishing! This is like one of the most exteremely epic ways to fish in the world!
Basically you swim out into the vast ocean with nothing but a torch (flashlight) and a spear! And a conoe only to put the fish in! Epic already right?!? Then with wearing nothing but casual clothes, they dive into the ocean and spear fish! Elder Young Yen said that they are underwater for about 3 minutes spearing as many fish as he can! He said he wasn't very good, only able to get 2-3 fish each breath! And I thought, "Man! I can't even catch a fish with a fishing line!" But that was the coolest thing that I have heard in my life! And the spears that they use (Like 5 feet long) are attached to a rubber band so they pull it back and shoot! But man! I have the beastiest companion out there!
We Caught a Big one!
So quick sotry! We have this investigator, Bro John. We have been meeting with him for 3 weeks! And wow is he converted! It's so amazing! So the story on how we "caught" him is pretty cool as well. One day we visited a member Bro. Rapson, and he had two friends with him, John and his other friend. So When we started to teach the lesson one of the freinds left, but John stayed! It was a miracle! Everytime before that he would always make and excuse or just flat out not be interested in what we had to say. But we taught about the Restoration, and Bro. Rapson bore his testimony about his stubborness on not joining the church at first but then reading the Book of Mormon and being converted. Then after that testimony, we had him "hooked"! He even said before we left, "You caught a big fish today!" And these past three weeks we have seen his testimony grow so strong and his love for the church! He was turly a miracle!
So I hope that all of your weeks were supurb! I love you all!
Oh and also Happy Thanksgiving Day!!!! I hope all of you see the many blessing that God has put in your life! Be thankful! It makes your day so much better!
Elder Parco
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