Monday, June 25, 2018

Angels are among us

Angels are among us!
Hello once again family and friends! This week was once again another great week. Miracles happened and everything ended up working in the end. But there is this one instance that I want you tell you about.
So in the area we are teaching this older baba named Bro. Champion. He is this older man, who is the most friendliest person on the street. He owns his own little street shop selling snacks, as well as repairs shoes and electronics, and says hello with the biggest smile to all who pass him on the street. He has it all. But this baba just really wanted someone to talk to. So we go and try to teach him some of the gospel lessons... haha however, it is more like he is teaching us. Because every time we go there, we sit down, and he just starts teaching us what he learned in the pamphlet, then goes off about some life lesson that he has learned in the space of his lifetime. It's hilarious. haha Although we aren't exactly able to get in much words, every time we go there something good happens.
For example, on Wednesday we go there. And as we are teaching, he calls over this lady and asks her to join us and for her to start reading the pamphlet out loud. Then not much later a member comes over to us and asks us to visit her a her less active husband. Then after the lesson we were leaving, and this lady comes up to us and asks us "I see you guys walking the streets everyday, what inspires you to do so?" So we share with her the message of the Restoration, and plan a visit with her. It was a miracle. But it doesn't stop there. When we go to visit this baba on Friday, as we are going to leave, this other lady comes up to us, with a broken heart and asks us to pray for her. Then we also leave a small warmfelt message with her, and set a day we can see her. All these things happened at that little shop of the friendly old man.
Now I don't know if this baba will ever progress, but the things he is learning is enlightening him, and he just loves to share it with those he sees around. And his countenance is bringing others to hear about the message.
Although he is just an investigator, he has been an angel in my eyes.

I hope everyone had a wonderful week this week! I love you all and wish you all the best weeks! Until Next Time!

Elder Parco

-Zone conference!!! One with the comp! One with Elder Bollinger and Elder Riggs, and One with the bus!!

Monday, June 18, 2018


The Area
Well after the first week of success we continued to tackle the area. And this week sadly was not as precious as the last week. But all in all, things are still going well. But one thing that I am starting to see in this area, is that we are starting to create a nice connection with the members! It nice. As well something I always love to do here on the mission is to help people. Whether it be a short message that they needed or actual service. Every bit of it I love and embrace. Like this week we helped someone dig a hole for composting. yes many blisters appeared but I loved doing the service. This is why I love the work. Just making friends helping them and changing their lives. I wish I could do It my whole life.

Well this week there was a bit of change in the area. We moved out of Nketa 9 and are now neighbors with our Bishop in Nketa 8! I am so happy for the move, and now I have experienced two new things on mission! 1) This will be the first time I have ever actually lived in the area that we are assigned to. And 2) This is the first time in a two man house!
Yeah My mission has been something else. And yes.. still have never set a foot in a car my entire mission. But it builds character. Anyways pictures are available for all to see the new house we moved into. It's nice. But it gets cold at night. haha
And with the topic of change, just wanted to add a little something more about the change on my mission.
Here is something I realized: We always are changing, ever changing and progression. But it depends on the direction we take. But for here I have seen so much change on my mission. I am a completely different person from when I have started. But the change that happened wasn't planned. It was just God's doing. I am giving myself to him, and he is changing me every single day, every moment, and when I go through I may not realize the change,but looking back it's there and it's significant. Yes. People always say mission is hard. And it's very true. But change only comes when there is pressure. Now I only have 4 weeks left. Many of my weaknesses are coming to light, but I just want to take advantage of these last 4 weeks to see how much more I can change before I come home.

I love you all and hope you have a great week!

Elder Parco

Monday, June 11, 2018

Being the Lord's hands

The Crew is Back!
Well The first week of the transfer is back and the news is true! Elder Kambuzuma is back in Zimbabwe! Well We got to hear the full story from his side but basically. First he was supposed to go to the Ghana MTC but plans chaged and he went to the Johanasburg MTC. Then... he was still supposed to go to the Zimbia mission after MTC. But new revelation came and he was reassign again to be back here and finish he mission in the Zimbabwe mission. So now it's us 4 in the house again! No changes from last transfer! But word hit today that me and Elder Kambuzuma will be moving out into the new house they got us in Nketa 8! So that will be exciting!

The many New Investigators
This week we had many many new investigators. And the coolest thing was the way we found them. We either visited a member, or an investigator and have a fall through, but end up finding someone at the house to teach. It was something pretty cool haha. But my two favorite members who give us many people to teach are William and Vannessa, both recently baptized of a year. We go to there house since we were teaching the mom, and find out that the mom wasn't feeling the best, so before we were going to leave, they were like, "Wait! We need to find people for you to teach!" So once again as they did before, we went out into the street and they just would talk to the nieghbors and are like, "Hey come here to learn about the gospel!" haha And well with thier efforts we were able to teach Prince! Who is related to another investitgator we were teaching. And well we taught him and he seemed super interested! And it was awesome! he had many questions and serious ones too! So now we are ggoing to meet him this Wednesday!

Being the Lord's Hands
This week was one that was pretty miraculous. So frist we were on fire this week from the fresh MTC spirit that my companion had. But with that special spirit we were able to be at the right place at the right time. It seemed that any time we had free moments in the day, we planned to visit a so and so member. And we go there and realize the inspiriation in the decision. Whether it be a hard day, or a blessing that needed to be given. We were there at the perfect time. It was amazing to see. And the greatest feeling to have. Knowing that the Lord trusts you enough to lead you to these circumstances, to be an answer to someone elses prayer. That's what I love about the mission. Really seeing the divine design of God's work in the process.

Well I always love you all! Have a great week! Until NExt time!

Elder Parco

-Me and my comp!