Monday, June 18, 2018


The Area
Well after the first week of success we continued to tackle the area. And this week sadly was not as precious as the last week. But all in all, things are still going well. But one thing that I am starting to see in this area, is that we are starting to create a nice connection with the members! It nice. As well something I always love to do here on the mission is to help people. Whether it be a short message that they needed or actual service. Every bit of it I love and embrace. Like this week we helped someone dig a hole for composting. yes many blisters appeared but I loved doing the service. This is why I love the work. Just making friends helping them and changing their lives. I wish I could do It my whole life.

Well this week there was a bit of change in the area. We moved out of Nketa 9 and are now neighbors with our Bishop in Nketa 8! I am so happy for the move, and now I have experienced two new things on mission! 1) This will be the first time I have ever actually lived in the area that we are assigned to. And 2) This is the first time in a two man house!
Yeah My mission has been something else. And yes.. still have never set a foot in a car my entire mission. But it builds character. Anyways pictures are available for all to see the new house we moved into. It's nice. But it gets cold at night. haha
And with the topic of change, just wanted to add a little something more about the change on my mission.
Here is something I realized: We always are changing, ever changing and progression. But it depends on the direction we take. But for here I have seen so much change on my mission. I am a completely different person from when I have started. But the change that happened wasn't planned. It was just God's doing. I am giving myself to him, and he is changing me every single day, every moment, and when I go through I may not realize the change,but looking back it's there and it's significant. Yes. People always say mission is hard. And it's very true. But change only comes when there is pressure. Now I only have 4 weeks left. Many of my weaknesses are coming to light, but I just want to take advantage of these last 4 weeks to see how much more I can change before I come home.

I love you all and hope you have a great week!

Elder Parco

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