My friends and most importantly my family, I hope you have enjoyed this 2 year journey with me as a Missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. This week marks my last and final week on mission. Crazy to say that, but these past two years have been packed with adventures, emotions, and growth. Mission is the best decision I have made in my life and I don't regret one part of it.
It has changed my life, my perspective on life, and my relationship with my father in heaven.
Although these words may be generic... haha They are true. There has been so much that has happened that I don't even know how to describe the type of experience that it was.
But I will truley misis the people of Zimbabwe. I have grown a bond and love for everyone that I have met in this mission. It is something that I will never forget. And the most joy I have expereince has been here. In Africa, serving the people of ZImbabwe. Because that is what has pushed me through these two years, helping, serving, and watching the lives of people change. I will miss this once in a lifetime opportunity.
I just want to leave with my solemn testimony. I wish I could pour my emotions onto this screen, but typing only goes so far. haha
I know that this is Jesus Christ's church restored back to the earth. With out a doubt I know that Joseph Smith was the Prophet called by god to Restore the sacred and glorious truths back to the earth. I know that the Book of Mormon is true. It is real. A real ancient record of the people who once live upon the ancient land of the Americas. And I know that it testifies of Jesus Christ, who is our Savior. Who paid the penalty of sin and pain and afflictions for all of us, so each of us can be perfected in him and return comfortable back to our Father's precence. I know this gospel blesses the lives of those who live it. And I know this missionary work is called of God, and that he send every missionary to the exact place where the people need them. I testify these things to be true, with all my heart, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
I love you all and will see you all soon!!! Until we meet again!
Elder Parco
This week we had a baptism of Langelishe! What a happy ending, as well got to baptize a canidate I taught with the other Elders for 3 weeks! I love this work!
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