Tuesday, July 26, 2016

2nd week in the MTC

Hey Everyone! 
Another great week at the MTC! It's crazy cause I feel like the whole MTC is starting to get real close now and i;m gonna miss them all when they all go on different missions. But something cool is that I think 12 of us are going to the Zimbabwe mission! So basically more than a third of the people here! I heard that it was because Zimbabwe started to let more visas in so the church decied to send so much more people here!s BUt yeah love our misison president!

Anyways so I'm just going to tell some cool stories that happended so I cant tell you the best of things! (These aren't in order)

President Ashton:
So President is really awesome and both him and sister Ashton are amazing and hilarious! There was this time, actually just Yesterday Monday, where it was storming and raining, yes it does storm and thunder and lightning in Africa, and we went inside a little chapel to play some group games and like little soccer games and stuff since we weren't allowed to go outside. Anyways what happened was once Sister Ashton left, President was like, "alright moms gone, lets go outside!" and it was just super funny! We did some more relay stuff, won the long jump contest and afterwards we played some rugbee again. IT was pretty cool!

Bro. Johnson:
So there was this time we were teaching an investigator Bro. Johnson, and btw (all the investigators here are teachers that are actinig) But we were in the middle of the lesson and Ramirez Rahamanana, (Don't know how to spell it but litterally has like 6 n's in his name) But he came in burtsing into the lesson we were having and we was like oh I bet your've met my wonderful husband! haha and he like got all comfy with him and Bro. Johnson was like, yes this is.. my wife.. Lucy. And it was super hilarious cause it was really random and even Bro. Johnson didn't even see it coming! But yeah we ended up having a great lesson.

Sunday is always the best cause for one, it's always super spiritual. This week was Book of Mormon week and we  all prepared talks on the Book of Mormon and how we gained our testimony and then President that day decides who talks! I got lucky enough to give a talk. But that day we also saw the Josephe Smith Movie and it was pretty awesome! I had some allergies there. Also that night we celebrated Elder Noel's birthday which we figured out that we were in the same Math section together at BYU! But it toook us two weeks to figure it out! haha it was awsesome when we figure it out. Then that night we had some time left over and some Elders started making a rap or song to the song Thrift shop and this is how the main verse went,

I;m gonna flash my tag,
only got pamphlets in my pocket,
I;m im a tracking,
looking for a brother,
Missions are so awesome!

Haha so that's what happens when you have a bunch of Elders in a room with a sugar high. 

Classes (in general):
So classes are going awesome as well! I realized how important the spirit is when you are teaching! Like it is super important! And it;s amazing when you teach a lesson when you have it too! it's such a great feeling like I can't even explain it just feels good and you know that they feel the spirit and feel good and that if you are led by the spirit the lesson will always go amazing and no matter what they throw at you it always ends up well! So That is just aweomse!!! But yeah a scripture that I have found that I've used a lot has been 3 Nephi 18: 19-21 It's such a great scriupture about prayer and the blessing you get and its alwasys super usefull in lesons.

Well that is all I have to say this week! There is so much more I would tell you guys but don't have time! I love you all and hope everythign is going well fro everyone!!

Elder Parco

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