How's everything going!? We dont get much time to email but I will try my hardest to tell you everything that happen!!
So today was very very long cause it was bascially in an airplane all day! A 15 hour plane ride. But luckily I got to sit next ot a member of a church that I talked to. She served a mission and got married a week before and was headed to South Africa to meet an MTC mission companion! It was really cool and she said that she was going to stay there for 3weeks! haha longer than she has been married! which is kinda insane! Also the food wasn't very good but they actually gave us three meal even though it only said one on the tidcket. When we arrived the bus picked us up and we headed over to the MTC, which we all crammed in a small bus! SOmething surprising was that there was about 25 or more missionaries all from America going to the South Africa MTC which holds at a maximum, (which we are at now) of like 35 people! It's was super surprising how many Americans came! All basically from Utah. But on the bus ride we got lost on the way and had to ask for directions multilple times. It was funny. We then ate met President and SIster Ashton who are hilarious and went to sleep. Also note: Elder Clark had a bible coloring book that we colored in.
SO beofre I start I' going to tell you a bit about my roomates! So Elder Bollenger is my compantion and he is a big guy and very sweet! All my roomates are from Utah so to clear that. Elder Whiting is our distric leader and is a super spiritual guy! As well as everyone else! Llike i'm around some spiritual giants! Which means Zimbabwe since we are all going there has some pretty cool things in store. Lastly there is BRo Allen who is Hilarious and a super fun guy to be around! But that day it was chillax, we didn't do much but had one lesson about missionary work, don't exactly remember. Oh and a awesome scripture was shared! D &C 18:34-36!
Friday: So to day was the actual first day of lessons and let me tell you it felt like a long time! But it was good! We did a lot of role playing and learned how to start teaching. We learned that you have to teach by the spirit i9n order to do anything! Also that day we taught an inversitgator that day and man it was hard to teach for the first time! Also in exercise time we all started to play touch Rugbee which is super fun! Also this whole day we learned about charity!
So today went alot better!! I found out I like to talk to people! That's good! But cool story about today is while playing rugbee me and Elder Allen did some sick stuff! So you can only move the ball forward with a pass by kicking it so we tried that and it workd!!! it was pretty awesome! But second time Elder Clark has it kicked it and me and Elder Allen went for it and i caught it, slipped out then hit elder Allens back then caught it again! It was pretty cool and we scored!
Sunday: (Sorry these are getting shorter cause I have like no time)
So Sunday was super spiritual we all prepared a lesson of why we served missions and President picked who would speak that day! It was real spiritual. Also we watched 17 miricles and I love that movie!
This day went a lot faster! It was nice! I also learned so much more about how to teach an invesitgator and learned about the first and second lesson! I also know that I need ot learn so much more!
Also here is our Districts scripture Moto in Corinthians 10:27!! Just look it up!!
Well I am doing well in the MTC I love you
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