Monday, November 14, 2016


This week has been so busy! But it's great! It's so true when people say, "The bussier you are, the less you think about home and the faster time flies!" And I can testify that it is true! This week flew by so fast! It's already another Monday! We were so booked with lessons the whole week! Taught a total of 32 lessons to investigators!! So crazy! And so tiring! But totally worth it. Heavenly Father has truly blessed us with so many people to teach, and a lot of them are progressing really well! But enough with my babble about my busy days...

The Book of Mormon is TRUE!
This week A LOT of people have been coming to us and asking about the Book of Mormon. And then I just think, "WELL, Let me tell you!" haha But I know that though this week the Book of Mormon is truly the keystone to our religion! It is what founds our beliefs and our religion. Without the Book of Mormon we have no religion! And I have seen the spirit work through many of the people we have talked to as they decide whether or not the Book of Mormon is a true book or not. And that's the only question they need to have. Is it true? Because if it is, then that means that Joseph Smith was a true prophet of God, and that the Church of Jesus Christ is back on the earth today in it's fullness! It's a simple yet powerful message! And I know for myself that it is a true book. 
So story time: 
There was this one investigator that we were teaching, Sister Moyo. And we taught about the restoration and then introduced the Book of Mormon! She was so intrigued the whole time! We explained that the Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ and that it does not replace the bible, but supports it! Also we said that the Book of Mormon takes place in the America's and the inhabitant there. After we explained she said something like, "I can't believe that this book has been hidden from me all this time!" 
It was such an amazing experience and really strengthened my testimony of the power that the Book of Mormon can have in teaching and being a witness of truth!
I know that the Book of Mormon is true and invite all to read it!

Getting Big at the Gym
So my companion Elder Young Yen love the gym. So we have been going to the gym 3 times a week! But now we planned on going almost every day! The gym is kinda far walk so we have to wake up early! Like 5:30 early. But it's totally fine with me, and now I am kinda used to it! 
SO when I get back you all better watch out! Cause I'm going to be Africa strong! 

Mountain Hike Round 2!
Today we hiked the mountain! It was the same one we hiked all those months ago! (Months!!! Weird right!?!) But we went with all the Elders in our zone and it was pretty great! The view was awesome! But man am I tired today! But it was worth it!
Oh also man card moment of the week:
Gym, and ate some crocodile! Tasted in between of a fish and chicken! IT was good though!
Well I hope everyone has a great week this week! I challenge all to read and pray about the Book of Mormon! Because I know you will receive an answer!
I love you all very very much!!
Elder Parco

From the Hike!!

1 comment:

  1. Great posts. You should join this Facebook group and post there too.
