Christmas Celebration!
Our house consists of 4 people, Elder Young Yen (my companion), Elder Odunga, Elder Horlacher, and me. So on Christmas eve I decided, "We need to celebrate Christmas with some presents!" Except we really didn't have presents to give each other because lack of time, and mostly money. haha So I decided, "Well I'l just get some wrapping paper and wrap anything that was in the house!" And that is exactly what I did. So I bought some parcel paper, since Christmas wrapping paper was like 5 dollars!! Super expensive! And then when my housemates didn't know, I started wrapping random things in the house, and putting To: so and so, on the packages. I wrapped sticker books, toilet paper, shoe brush, other people's items wrapped to give back to them, basically anything that I thought would be funny to open. We had our Christmas Tree (made out of cardborad and bottles) And all the packages wrapped underneath, with plastic bags filled with candies on the ironing board. It was pretty epic. And when the morning came, we had a blast opening all of the presents. Definitely a memorable and fun Christmas.
And Walked, And Walked, And Walked, And Walked...
Wednesday we got to go on exchanges. Basically our house just switched with each other. I was with Elder Horlacher and Elder Odunga was with Elder Young Yen. So I got to go to Stonden that day. Which... is really far away. So we got a ride to the area then we taught some people who were recently baptized. (And just a note: Stonden is the place where so many baptisms are happening, and it's out in the farms so the houses are like little huts and the farms can be super spread out from each other.) But after we taught the lesson, we headed over from Chiwarizo farm to Aerodrome farm. It was about 1 1/2 hour walk. Which was pretty long, but luckily we had the people we taught accompany us! Which I was surprised, because they brought us about 1 hour out and then said they were gong to head back! It's custom to walk people out after you visit them. But these guys are super dedicated, because they go to church about every week and it is about a 2 hour walk! They have so much faith and are committed to the gospel! It's so cool to see them give so much for the Lord! But exchanges were great! Jumped over a chocolate waterfall, went across a river on a rickety swinging bridge, and had adventures eating this super sweet/sour candy like fruit on the side of the road growing in bushes. It was a great day and a fun experience! Soon they are going to make Stonden a branch itself since it is growing so fast, so when they make the mission area of just Stonden, count me in, because that place is like a missionary dream!
Quick Updates of the week:
So this week we had more baptisms! Our area had 3 baptisms while Elder Odunga and Horlacher had about 6! So the place is still on fire, and like I always say, Baptisms make my day! So always a great day when that happens! Also this week I killed another turkey! Except this time, I let go of the turkey and let it run and fly with it's head off. Mainly because I didn't want to get blood on my pants and white shirt, but it was a fun entertainment while it lasted. ANd wow, did this turkey have a lot of energy! I think that it took at least 3 or more minutes for it to stop moving! haha But this week was great! Lessons are going well with our investigators and 7 of them showed up to church for Christmas day! It was a Chrsitmas miracle!
Well hope everything is going well back home! I love you all!
And Last but not least!!! HAPPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!
Elder Parco