Monday, December 12, 2016

A test of faith

How can we Help others See
Tuesday we had District meeting, and I was given the responsibility on teaching the doctrinal study. And boy, did I try to get as creative as I could for it! So the topic was centered around the campaign #LIGHTtheWORLD And for that week we focused on "Christ helped others to see, and so can we." So first started out with what we need others to see, which was found in the vision of Lehi's dream. 1 Nephi ch. 8. But I had everyone close their eyes and imagine the vision while I read. And wow was that powerful! It was so cool to hear what everyone imagined, and haha they really focused on what the fruit of the tree looked liked to them! But it was great! Then later in the lesson I got all nerdy and brought physics into the lesson. I was comparing how when we teach we need to teach simply to our investigators level and not the level we know. SO, I showed them a way of how not to do it, by explaining a physics problem as complicated as I could, with big words and such and then then asking, "Alright, I taught you how to do it, now who can solve it." Apparently my nerdiness was too much for them, because they didn't understand how to solve. (Which was the point) But anyways it was a really fun and spiritual lesson. And I also realized how much I miss physics. haha

A Test of FaithThis week I really reflected on my faith. One Wednesday we visited one of our investigators and with the help of a member and kind friend, Bro. Dick translating for us, we were able to teach the first lesson. It went really well! But at the end of the lesson, she mentioned that her wrist has been hurting for some time. Over three weeks! And she told us that the pain wouldn't go away. When she said that I was prompted to ask her if she wanted a priesthood blessing, but I wouldn't do it. I then lingered on the topic and then looked at my companion who said, "Do you want to ask her?" (Talking about the blessing.) I pretended like I didn't know what he was talking about and my companion asked her if we could give a blessing. As we were preparing for the lesson, I was thinking "Why was I so scared to ask?" "Did I not have faith that us being priesthood holders couldn't heal her?" I was doubting. Then I thought of all the miracles Jesus did and all the faith the pioneers had and the miracles even performed in the latter days. Then I thought, "Do I have enough faith to believe in the priesthood power I have?" Then I realized that I should. God is always the same, and that power is now back on the earth, so there should be no reason for me to be doubting. I then prayed really hard to myself that I can have the faith. And it was amazing. I felt the spirit so strong. And after we met with her again she said that her wrist was healed, or felt so much better than it has. It was such an amazing experience to have and really grew my faith in God's power. The priesthood is real, and it can do miracles. And I know that is we trust in God then fear should have no place in our minds. I am so grateful in the experience I had. It truly was a test of faith.

Update on the Work!
So first off, I am loving it here in Bindura! The people are so kind and everyone wants to at least hear the gospel. However not everyone wants to accept it, or progress. That's one thing about here. Everyone, and I mean Everyone! Will say that they are coming to church with you on Sunday, and none of them will show. haha It's just their kind way of rejecting you. 
But as for our investigators. Things has been up and down. We have lost some, and gained others. But this Sunday we were able to have 5 people show to church! Which was really awesome because these past couple weeks we have been struggling with people showing up. But on Sunday we met with someone new and had a first lesson with him. ANd it went so well! We focused on who God really is and on how he can pray. And he was so interested and actually put into his schedule to come to church with us every Sunday! Like he wrote it down! So that was super cool! THe spirit was so strong too! ALso Bro. John, someone who we recently baptized helped bring a friend to church, and we met with him this week and set a baptismal date for him at the end of this month! But things are going just fine. Whenever we loose one, we gain another! ANd it is so awesome! I am loving the missionary work and see so many miracles throughout the day! Things are great!
Well I hope that everyone had a great week this week! I miss you all very much!!
Elder Parco
(SOrry no pictures this week)

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