Monday, December 5, 2016

I'm staying in Bindura!!

Transfers #4!
Since I am training I will be staying in Bindura for another transfer! So by the end of this next transfer I'll be in Bindura for 6 months!! Wow! That is a long time! A fourth of my mission already! Crazy! Also haha all of the little kids in the area know me by name now! They say "Elder Parco Elder Parco!" Then like a group of 5-10 kids go around and chant. "HOW ARE YOU! I"M FINE!! " Haha it's so cute! But anyways yeah, 6 months in Bindura here we come!!

Call me a Contract Killer
I think I was officially have the title of "Animal Killer". Because this past week, I had the opportunity to now kill a turkey! haha again it was another cool experience. But this time, the Turkey wasn't well behaved! While I was cutting the head, it went crazy! (As one would expect) I was stepping on the wings so it wouldn't go anywhere but then it moved so much that I almost lost it! Almost ran away from underneath me. But in the end it was all good! And was a lot cleaner from my last killing experience. Also I was going to kill a goat, but by the time I was going to do that, the deed was already done. Which I am fine with, because a skinned goat kind of looks really creepy and gross, but amusing. haha

Golden Sunday
This Sunday was great! I always love fast and testimony meetings! However there was one disappointing thing... majority of our investigators didn't show up. It was a bit discouraging, but then one of our investigators made up all the difference. We went out to the area to pick up some investigators who wanted to come to church, however like I said before, a lot of them couldn't come. It was sad walking to church empty handed, but then we stopped by one more house, and our beloved 19 year old investigator came! It made me so happy! The best part about it however was that we hadn't even taught him any lessons yet! We just met him and talked to him about our church and he wanted to join us this Sunday! It was such a miracle! He also was able to stay all three hours! And afterwards, he said, "I liked it, your church prays well!" It was a pretty cool experience. So since it was his first time, he was a little confused on some things, but later on that day we stopped by his house to teach him for the first time and explain everything that he might have questions on. We talked about the Book of Mormon and the Restoration of the gospel and everything made sense to him. After the lesson he said that he was so happy that he now understands the gospel more. And he said that multiple times until we left. It was truly a miracle of an investigator!
Ye Are the Light of the World
On Friday we had a Zone Meeting! (Except our whole house didn't realize it was that day since we usually have it on Tuesdays so we were in a rush to get ready and then our car broke down with the tire completely disconnecting from the axle and ending up having to call the Zone leaders for help to get the car to a repair place and fix all of these shenanigans...) But besides those minor details, it went well! There was one part of the meeting when we talked about being a light unto the people of the world and how our mission is on fire because we are doing so well. But It made me think of the whole candle analogy and how we should be a light unto the world and share the gospel to everyone. Because that's exactly what we need to do! To have the light inside of us to share. The world is in darkness and we need to share that light to make the world a little brighter. And that light comes through the gospel. I have seen the light in one of our investigators who just got baptized. And wow is he full of light. You can see it in his eyes and the way that he talks about the gospel! It made me think... "Well as missionaries, shouldn't we be the same way?" Sometimes we loose that fire inside of us, sometimes as a missionary we go through the motions of, teaching, teaching, teaching, and we don't think too much about the message that we are actually sharing! But if we take a step back and think, "What is the message I am actually sharing?.." Then wow, it is truly an amazing message! Jesus Christ Lives! God Loves us and hasn't abandoned us. Because the Gospel of Jesus Christ is back on the earth today in it's fullness! And through this knowledge we can come back to our loving and most amazing Father in heaven! How great a relationship can we have with our God! How great can our Joy be! That's why so many recent converts want to share their light with others! Because it changed their lives! And it changed their perspectives on life! And it made me think, "This is the light I want to have" 
So I challenge you all to share about the gospel and brighten someones life! Because it can change them for eternity!
I love you all and hope you had a great week!
Elder Parco

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