Transfer News!
Transfers were this week and well... Both me and my companion Elder Barrus will be staying in Kadoma! Which will be really exciting. However Elder Blignaught will sadly be leaving Kadoma. But will be training a fresh out of the MTC missionary for the last 3 months he will be on mission. BUT... Sadly 2 sisters in our district had to go home early 2 weeks ago, and it was sad to see them go. As well for the transfers, the other 2 sisters got transferred out and 2 new Elders came in. So Elder Barrus and I will be taking on that huge house that the sisters had with the two new Elders that are coming in. All Elders district, New House, BUT no couches.... Oh haha and we just found out that the sisters accidentally took the keys to the house, on the bus, leaving Kadoma... So the 6 of us Elders might be sleeping in the same house tonight.
He is truly a golden investigator!! And! We got to visit him this week! We met outside of a members house to meet with him since he says it probably wouldn't be safe to meet at his house. We taught, and WOW HE KNEW BASICALLY EVERYTHING WE TAUGHT HIM! He understood everything and had so many good questions! Haha but in the middle of the lesson, there was this man, around 40 years that interrupted us, and asked, "Can I have one of your Books?" We were like, do you mean the Book of Mormon. But then he had this confused look on his face, and said, "No." Apparently he thought we were some Jehovah Witness missionaries and he was looking for a bible or something. haha So being the missionaries we were, we gave him pamphlet and invited him to come to church on Sunday. He said that he wanted someone to pick him up, so Gannet!!! Volunteered to pick him up in the morning! It was so cool! So on church on Sunday, we walk into the meeting and guess who we see? Gannet!...with no one else with him. He said that he looked for this Emanuel guy all morning, but couldn't find him. We were just so happy that he came to church! And felt so bad that he looked all morning for this guy! But we asked him how his reading was going, and he said he has been reading the Book of Mormon, the pamphlets, and the Teaching of the Prophets books that he receive from church! IT WAS AWESOME! This guy is truly amazing and truly converted! I feel so lucky to be able to find someone like this guy. He is progressing so well and we have planned to baptize him on the 12th of March! I am so looking forward to that day! And I know that he will be ready!
Keep Trucking Through!
So on Wednesday, we planned just to visit our contacts and to just find new people. It went... alright. Our goal was to find at least 1 new powerful investigator. So we started the day visiting houses of people that we have contacted on the street during he transfer. And well, we didn't have very much success. In the morning we had two return appointments which was good, but nothing came out of it. Then basically the whole day we were finding, we had no success! Like nothing! But we kept trying to find people. Then it was starting to get late and decided just to go on this one street. So we walk down and see this guy. We talk to him, and... he seemed pretty interested. So we set an appointment to meet with him. Then later on we walked over to another house, and the son of the person that we planned to visit was there and agreed to visit with us as well! THEN, we were walking back on that same street and we start talking to this guy, and he seemed really interested in the gospel! So we got his contacts and told him we would meet with him! It was so cool! We had all of this success! And it wasn't until the very end of the night when it all happened!
Although in the end, sadly all of the appointments we found that night fell through, but something I did learn from that day was that the Lord tries us. He tests us and sees if we will continue to strive. Then when we show our diligence, he rewards us.
I hope that everyone had a great week this week! I hope you all spend it well!
Elder Parco
1.Our Zone
2. Baptism Last Week
3. Members awesome Garden!
4.Giant Snail on our Car!
5. Saying bye to Elder Blignauht