The Miracle Guy!
I just wanted to update a little bit on one of our investigators Gannet. He is truly an amazing person, and was ready to hear and be in the gospel that God has for him. So just a little reminder, last week we were in the streets and these people call us over to their house to hear what we have to say. And we go there teach, everyone didn't really seem too serious or interested. But there was this one guy named Gannet that said he doesn't think he could come to church because of things he has been wanting to stop before. So we told him that everyone is welcome at church, and through inspiration left him with a Word of Wisdom pamphlet. (Talks about how as members we take no alcohol, drugs, coffee, tea, and tobacco) So we left not expecting much, but then last Sunday he came to church! And after sacrament meeting, he told us that he took water for the first time instead of taking alcohol! So we told him we would meet him at the shops at a certain time that week so that we could teach him more about the gospel. We left him with a Book of Mormon and a pamphlet on the Restoration. He has no phone, and doesn't want us to meet at his house, so finding him that week was a struggle. We missed seeing him at the shops, and that whole week we were trying to find him, but wasn't able to. So we just hoped that he would show up to church once again! And Miracle!! He did! And he showed up early! After Sacrament meeting, my companion Elder Barrus, asked how the smoking and drinking was going. And this next part made me so happy... He said that ever since last Sunday, he stopped smoking and hasn't touched one since. He also said "I think that I can go on in my life without smoking" It was sooo cool! Then he also said that he read a bit of the Book of Mormon and read through the entire pamphlet! It was amazing!
Bro. Gannet is truly a testimony to me that the gospel of Jesus Christ can change lives, no matter what someone is going through. The best route to abstain from an addiction is from God, and the help of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Gannet really helped me see the effects that the gospel has on people. It can help people, it can give hope, it can give peace and happiness. And ultimately it changes peoples lives for the better. This life is hard, and something that I realized is that it is even harder alone. But we will always have someone to be there for us at every step of our lives. We just have to be humble and ask for his help.
Little Updates!
We had a baptism on Sunday as well which went great! And also transfers will be this next week. I think that I will be staying but, who knows, anything could happen! Also we had a baby bamboo tarantula in the house when washing dishes, so that was exciting.
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