A Thought for the Week
Time seems to go faster and faster. Weeks keep speeding by and before I know it, it is going to be March, then April, then next year! Crazy that I have been out for 7 months now! Seems like just yesterday I was still at the MTC all excited and anxious to get into the field, and now looking at where I am today, I have realized that I have changed so much on my mission. I found out that Heavenly Father knows how to make us grow the most, and since I have been here, I have seen a tremendous amount of weakness in myself. And it is humbling to know that I am far from perfect and that it is only through the help of Jesus Christ that we too can eventually be perfected.
Coincidence? I Think not!
So this week my companion Elder Barrus was having some slight problems with his stomach. So on Friday we went to the clinic to get a check up. He goes to the doctor, gets checked up, and is told that he will need to go up to this lab, about 30 meters away, to get some test taken. We get there, he gets his tests, rests a little, then we decided we would leave. So this whole time, I was just walking around the streets holding this copy of the Book of Mormon that I had, since I really didn't have enough room in my bag, so I just decided to hold it loud in proud so the whole world can see! But as we were leaving, one of the men that worked at the test lab stopped me and asked, "Are you giving away or selling that book you have in your hand?" Apparently he thought I was holding a bible or something, because when he looked closer he was like "Oh it isn't a bible, it's a Book of Mormon!" And then I started telling him a bit what it was about. But the most amazing things was in the middle of the conversation, he said that he had a nephew who was serving a mission in our church in South Africa and that he told him to read the Book of Mormon, so ever since he has been looking for that Book. It was such a miracle! We ended up giving him the Book of Mormon to read and he said that he would talk to us later about what he read when we go back to get the blood test. Haha after that moment I was like, "I'm going to carry a Book of Mormon in my hands everyday!" And we agreed that maybe my companion was sick for a reason.
Sunday Miracle!
Sacrament meeting just started, then as the opening hymn started, someone pulled us out and said that someone was looking for us in the front. We were both super confused who it could be. So we go out to the front and see Gannet. Someone who we randomly contacted throughout the week. Haha and to be honest, I barely recognize who he was. But it was the most amazing thing ever! He said, "I told you guys I promised to go to church, and now I am here!" It was a miracle! The only thing that he knew about the church was the location and time! And about the Word of Wisdom pamphlet that we gave him the other day. So a little about this man. He had a big drinking and smoking problem, but has the desire to stop. So after the sacrament meeting, I asked him how it was. He said it was alright. Then he said the coolest thing ever. He said, "Yesterday was the first day I drank a bottle of water instead of drinking a bottle of Chibuku (Alcohol)" It was amazing! He is already changing! Haha then I asked him how he was feeling, and he said that he had a bit of a headache. But we got him some water and all was well. This was definitely a testimony to me that even the people we talk to on the streets for just 3 minutes can make a huge impact for them in the rest of their lives. It made me see the importance of sharing the gospel to everyone!
I know this gospel can help and improve the lives of everyone and I know that it is true!
I hope that everyone had a great week this week! And wish everyone the best!
Elder Parco
p.s. sorry no pictures, I forgot my camera
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