This week was a pretty good week. But let’s just say this is a week of progress. First of all the investigators and the lessons are going great. It just seems as though coming to church can be a struggle for them, because here, people don’t seem to have the fondest views of the church. But it’s alright we will just keep working with them to overcome their fears.
But for some highlights:
Prisca is a recent convert. Last time we taught about reading the Book of Mormon everyday and the power that can come from it. And so we visited her this week and she has been reading! She shared with us the first 3 chapters of 1st Nephi and then said, I haven’t read much, but I make sure that I read at least 2-3 verses each day. That statement made my day.
Bro. Mutasa: He is still a fairly new investigator but wow does he understand the bible as well as our teachings. We met with him this week and taught about baptism, and he asked so many good questions, linking it back to the Plan of Salvation, and if it is essential to be baptized. And where that authority to baptize is today. And after we answered we extended an invitation for him to be baptized and asked for him to ponder and pray about baptism. It was a good lesson.
Felistas, Beaula, and Mellissa: We have been teaching these three for a couple weeks now. They are progressing well and this week we talked more about how to find their answers to their prayers and to pray about the messages we have been sharing. It was powerful.
Book of Mormon Stories
So this week I was reading a bit from the Book of Mosiah from the Book of Mormon. And I absolutely love this book.
So I was reading the part when wicked King Noah is reigning in the Land of Nephi, and the Lamanites come to overtake the city so that Limhi, (The Son of Noah and now the new king since King Noah was killed) and his people are now in bondage of the Lamanites with an agreement of paying half of what they had to the Lamanites so that the Lamanites wouldn’t slay them. In short the Lamanites falsely accuse Limhi and his people of stealing their daughters and go to battle, but then they solve the disagreements and there is peace. But the people can’t withhold the persecution from the Lamanites and decided to fight them. Then all these small battles happen to defeat the Lamanites, but in the end they were driven back and then in a great affliction of bondage from the Lamanites.
But my favourite part is this. When they realized their great afflictions they were in, they humbled themselves and (Mosiah 21:14-15) “they did cry mightily to God; yeah, even all the day long did they cry unto their God that he would Deliver them out of their afflictions. 15. And now the Lord was slow to hear their cry because of their iniquities; nevertheless the Lord did hear their cries, and began to soften the hearts of the Lamanites that they began to ease their burdens; yet the Lord did not see fit to deliver them out of bondage.”
The people of Limhi used to be a wicked people in the time of King Noah. But the Lord still heard their cries and softened the hearts of the Lamanites. The Lord didn’t hold that grudge against the people, saying you have hurt my soul for all the wickedness I have seen, why should I help. Instead he lovingly answered their prayers. Although he didn’t free them from bondage, and he may not have answered their prayers in the way they expected, he still in fact showed his mercy and helped carry their burdens.
Sometimes in this life we can be offended of someone that has hurt us deep in our souls. But what will we do when they come to us for help? Will we help them? Or will we let that grudge take place in our hearts?
Or when we pray, do we expect the Lord to follow our own will? Or will we humble ourselves to follow what he has prepared for us?
I know that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love us dearly. And it is something that I have learned more about since I have been on this mission. We are preparing to meet God in this life, and it can only happen through perfecting ourselves and overcoming our weaknesses.
I love you all and hope that you all have a wonderful week. Until next time!
Elder Parco
We went to Great Zimbabwe!! Pretty sweet!
And an activity of basketball! Haha we played in our church attire!