Monday, June 26, 2017

Progress, progress, progress

This week was a pretty good week. But let’s just say this is a week of progress. First of all the investigators and the lessons are going great. It just seems as though coming to church can be a struggle for them, because here, people don’t seem to have the fondest views of the church. But it’s alright we will just keep working with them to overcome their fears.

But for some highlights:
Prisca is a recent convert. Last time we taught about reading the Book of Mormon everyday and the power that can come from it. And so we visited her this week and she has been reading! She shared with us the first 3 chapters of 1st Nephi and then said, I haven’t read much, but I make sure that I read at least 2-3 verses each day. That statement made my day.

Bro. Mutasa: He is still a fairly new investigator but wow does he understand the bible as well as our teachings. We met with him this week and taught about baptism, and he asked so many good questions, linking it back to the Plan of Salvation, and if it is essential to be baptized. And where that authority to baptize is today. And after we answered we extended an invitation for him to be baptized and asked for him to ponder and pray about baptism. It was a good lesson.

Felistas, Beaula, and Mellissa: We have been teaching these three for a couple weeks now. They are progressing well and this week we talked more about how to find their answers to their prayers and to pray about the messages we have been sharing. It was powerful.

Book of Mormon Stories

So this week I was reading a bit from the Book of Mosiah from the Book of Mormon. And I absolutely love this book.  

So I was reading the part when wicked King Noah is reigning in the Land of Nephi, and the Lamanites come to overtake the city so that Limhi, (The Son of Noah and now the new king since King Noah was killed) and his people are now in bondage of the Lamanites with an agreement of paying half of what they had to the Lamanites so that the Lamanites wouldn’t slay them.  In short the Lamanites falsely accuse Limhi and his people of stealing their daughters and go to battle, but then they solve the disagreements and there is peace. But the people can’t withhold the persecution from the Lamanites and decided to fight them. Then all these small battles happen to defeat the Lamanites, but in the end they were driven back and then in a great affliction of bondage from the Lamanites.

But my favourite part is this. When they realized their great afflictions they were in, they humbled themselves and (Mosiah 21:14-15) “they did cry mightily to God; yeah, even all the day long did they cry unto their God that he would Deliver them out of their afflictions. 15. And now the Lord was slow to hear their cry because of their iniquities; nevertheless the Lord did hear their cries, and began to soften the hearts of the Lamanites that they began to ease their burdens; yet the Lord did not see fit to deliver them out of bondage.”

The people of Limhi used to be a wicked people in the time of King Noah. But the Lord still heard their cries and softened the hearts of the Lamanites. The Lord didn’t hold that grudge against the people, saying you have hurt my soul for all the wickedness I have seen, why should I help.  Instead he lovingly answered their prayers. Although he didn’t free them from bondage, and he may not have answered their prayers in the way they expected, he still in fact showed his mercy and helped carry their burdens.

Sometimes in this life we can be offended of someone that has hurt us deep in our souls. But what will we do when they come to us for help? Will we help them? Or will we let that grudge take place in our hearts?

Or when we pray, do we expect the Lord to follow our own will? Or will we humble ourselves to follow what he has prepared for us?

I know that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love us dearly. And it is something that I have learned more about since I have been on this mission. We are preparing to meet God in this life, and it can only happen through perfecting ourselves and overcoming our weaknesses.

I love you all and hope that you all have a wonderful week. Until next time!

Elder Parco

We went to Great Zimbabwe!! Pretty sweet!
And an activity of basketball! Haha we played in our church attire!

Monday, June 19, 2017

Touching moments

Touching Moments
Tuesday we met with one of our new investigators Eventhough. And the lesson we had was absolutely amazing! We first followed up with her to see if she read and prayed about the message of the Restoration. And to our surprise, she said yes! Then we asked if she got her answer, and she went on and explained that she wasn’t quite sure if she got her answer or not. We asked how she was expecting her answer and she said that she thought that maybe she would have a dream or a vision or something. Then she thought a bit and said that every time she read the Restoration pamphlet she had this good feeling inside that she couldn’t explain and it just felt right and good to her. And then she said,”Maybe that was my answer…. Yes I think that’s my answer.” I was so happy! It’s moments like these that makes me love missionary work! When people feel the presence of the Holy Ghost in their lives, and they receive an answer to their prayers. After that lesson I was happy the rest of the day.

Also on Sunday a man named Wuititi showed up to church on his own! We set an appointment to meet with him that day and when we visited, we asked him what made him decide to go to this church today. He said that in his past that he has been going to a lot of different churches, and none of them felt right. He would go, sing with them, and learn nothing in return. Then when he saw our church he thought to himself, “I need to go to this one.” For whatever reason, maybe the name of the church or the feeling he felt, but that week he ran into a member of a church that was a friend and asked about the church. And the member invited him that Sunday. And he came! It was awesome! Then during the lesson he said with a determination, I am going to be a member of your church! It was so amazing!

I have seen so many miracles this week! And the love of God in my life. And am so grateful  for the opportunity to be a part of this work. The people here are so welcoming about hearing the gospel. We were knocking doors and came to this grandma’s house and she was the sweetest lady ever who when we said that we came to share the gospel, was so excited and let us in. Although the whole conversation I had no idea what she was saying because of the language barrier, she just had a wide smile on her face the whole time my companion was talking to her.
I love this work and can’t wait for what this week might bring!!

I love you all and hope that you have the greatest week ever!

Elder Parco

Didn’t take any picture this week. Sorry!

Monday, June 12, 2017

Piano skills and new people

Finding Investigators
This week we spent some time finding new investigators in areas that we haven’t really touched. And it was great! Went very well in fact. We found this powerful baba, Bro Mutasa, who absolutely loves me because I am from America. Haha But we taught about the Restoration and the Book of Mormon. And the following meeting when we were going to teach more about the Book of Mormon, he said that he already starting reading it, the introduction, the witnesses, and even started reading in  1st Nephi! Then we extended the invitation for baptism and he said, “If this is the true church then it’s obvious that I have to be baptized! And I’ll bring my family with into this gospel!” It was such a miracle! However, sadly, he wasn’t able to show up to church, but I am just hoping that it is because there was a funeral that happened in his street, and it is custom to go to your neighbors funeral. But he is a very powerful man.
Someone else we found was actually a less active of over 2 years. We met him and set an appointment for another time. We had a powerful lesson about repentance and he said that he was thinking about coming back to church and changing his life around again. It was pretty cool to hear.
Lastly we found the children of a father who was a member but past away. The grandmother was taking care of them, and she was the one calling us in the house. Telling us that she loved the church and wanted her grandchildren to join, and if they join, she would follow them and join also.
We were able to see so many miracles this week of finding! Although sadly, none of them were able to make it to church, but It is going to be a process. Also another sad note, we had two investigators that were going to be baptized, ages 18 and 20, but they are staying with their mother who is against the church, and thought that it would be a good idea to get consent form the mother, but the mother disagreed. So we are praying that the mother will soften up so when they do join the church, there won’t be any big complications in the house.
But besides those things the week was great! Still teaching many of Sister Makuye’s friend and they are all accepting the messages. I love the work here and excited for what is to come!

I Guess People learned About my Talent
So this week I really got to put my abilities of playing the piano into action. I don’t know what it is, but I feel like President Mkhabela thinks I am a grand master piano player or something, haha because he asked me to play the piano for zone conference. And he said, “Elder Parco do you think that you can play these songs?” Then I answered “Yes President I think that it will be possible if I practice.” “Good! Then I expect these songs that we are playing to be perfect! Not one note wrong!” Then I smiled back and said, “President, maybe some things are impossible” haha “But I’ll do my best!” So I practiced that week to play the songs. And at zone conference it went well! Wasn’t able to live up to the expectations of President, cause I had a couple hiccups here and there, but it was still good. Then while I was practicing at the chapel the counselor of the Branch Presidency saw me, and was like “Oh we finally have someone to play the piano!” haha So that Sunday without even any warning, he told me I would be playing the hymns for that meeting. And well I did a lot better than I thought I would. Haha basically sight reading the whole way, since I never really played hymns back home. But at least I was able to keep the melody most of the time! So now I guess I am the pianist for sacrament meeting. But hey, at least I get to improve more of my piano skills!

Well I love you guys and hope you all have a great week!!!

Elder Parco

-Our matching ties at Zone Conference
-Celebrating Elder Chimtengo's and a members birthday
-Our little adventure this morning on top of a hill overlooking Masvnigo

Monday, June 5, 2017

Miracles in Masvingo

Miracles in Masvingo!
Things are truly happening in the City of Masvingo! Let me just tell you of some of the investigators this week!

So to start off, we have been teaching this young woman named Natasha. She loves the gospel and the church. Every time we see her she is always hanging out at the church, in the lawn, or even this Saturdayshe came to the church to help clean it for the next day! It was pretty amazing to see.

Also a recent convert Sister Makuye has been helping us so much in the work. She is the most amazing mother in the world. And she has only been a member for a month now but seems like she has been her whole life! She KNOWS the doctrine! And she loves missionary work. She is the one that helped us teach and baptize Prisca last week. And this week she even helped us even more!

She invited us to teach her sister Filistas. But first last week we invited her to church, without teaching yet and she came! It was awesome! So we started teaching her and while we were teaching her friends came in, Belunida and her sister. So we set an appointment for the three of them for next time. And that next time was powerful! Elder Chimtengo and I gave the most powerful lesson on the Restoration ever. And you could feel the spirit really strongly and everything! Well we taught and kept teaching and invited them to church this week. And that Sunday all three of them came! It was really a miracle to see! Because all of them used to go together to this other church, but they all decided to go to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints this week. I am so excited for the outcome of these three wonderful people. And am truly blessed to have such wonderful recent converts who love missionary work!

Drunken Incident
So Saturday night we needed to buy a couple things to eat that night. So we went into town and this man, heavily drunk, runs out into the street and runs into the back side of the car. So we stop and this man comes running at us and starts yelling at us. Mostly at my companion Elder Chimtengo. (for not exactly sure why) But basically what happens is he yells at us for the space of 15 minutes, creating a scene of 50 or more people watching. Then finally a security guard helps us get away. So it was exciting thing that happened. And realized, I’m not really phased anymore of people staring at me. I guess because I stand out anyways over here. haha But it was an exciting story.

An Elder Parco Moment
So right after we had the incident with the drunkard, we finally got to go into a grocery store to buy some small groceries for that night. Well we bought the things we needed, then right outside of the buying line place, I went to go get these stickers for a promotion that they were doing. I get these two stickers from this lady, turn around, and drop them on the ground. So while I was trying to balance a crate of eggs in my arms, I tried to reach down to pick up the stickers. But apparently my fingers weren’t warmed up or something to be able to pick up stickers off the ground. Cause I kept trying to pick up the stickers but I kept missing! Haha it finally took me a good 30 seconds to get the stickers off the ground. And then I got up and saw a man and a woman just chuckling at what just happened. I laughed with them, smiled, and then left the store.

That night I learned that the best antidote for embarrassment is just to laugh at your own mistakes. It’ll make life so much more enjoyable than the stress the other options can carry. So whenever you mess up something. Smile at your mistake and keep trying.

Well keep smiling! And have a great week!

Elder Parco

We got to go to this Lake... and Dam!! It was pretty fun!