Miracles in Masvingo!
Things are truly happening in the City of Masvingo! Let me just tell you of some of the investigators this week!
So to start off, we have been teaching this young woman named Natasha. She loves the gospel and the church. Every time we see her she is always hanging out at the church, in the lawn, or even this Saturdayshe came to the church to help clean it for the next day! It was pretty amazing to see.
Also a recent convert Sister Makuye has been helping us so much in the work. She is the most amazing mother in the world. And she has only been a member for a month now but seems like she has been her whole life! She KNOWS the doctrine! And she loves missionary work. She is the one that helped us teach and baptize Prisca last week. And this week she even helped us even more!
She invited us to teach her sister Filistas. But first last week we invited her to church, without teaching yet and she came! It was awesome! So we started teaching her and while we were teaching her friends came in, Belunida and her sister. So we set an appointment for the three of them for next time. And that next time was powerful! Elder Chimtengo and I gave the most powerful lesson on the Restoration ever. And you could feel the spirit really strongly and everything! Well we taught and kept teaching and invited them to church this week. And that Sunday all three of them came! It was really a miracle to see! Because all of them used to go together to this other church, but they all decided to go to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints this week. I am so excited for the outcome of these three wonderful people. And am truly blessed to have such wonderful recent converts who love missionary work!
Drunken Incident
So Saturday night we needed to buy a couple things to eat that night. So we went into town and this man, heavily drunk, runs out into the street and runs into the back side of the car. So we stop and this man comes running at us and starts yelling at us. Mostly at my companion Elder Chimtengo. (for not exactly sure why) But basically what happens is he yells at us for the space of 15 minutes, creating a scene of 50 or more people watching. Then finally a security guard helps us get away. So it was exciting thing that happened. And realized, I’m not really phased anymore of people staring at me. I guess because I stand out anyways over here. haha But it was an exciting story.
An Elder Parco Moment
So right after we had the incident with the drunkard, we finally got to go into a grocery store to buy some small groceries for that night. Well we bought the things we needed, then right outside of the buying line place, I went to go get these stickers for a promotion that they were doing. I get these two stickers from this lady, turn around, and drop them on the ground. So while I was trying to balance a crate of eggs in my arms, I tried to reach down to pick up the stickers. But apparently my fingers weren’t warmed up or something to be able to pick up stickers off the ground. Cause I kept trying to pick up the stickers but I kept missing! Haha it finally took me a good 30 seconds to get the stickers off the ground. And then I got up and saw a man and a woman just chuckling at what just happened. I laughed with them, smiled, and then left the store.
That night I learned that the best antidote for embarrassment is just to laugh at your own mistakes. It’ll make life so much more enjoyable than the stress the other options can carry. So whenever you mess up something. Smile at your mistake and keep trying.
Well keep smiling! And have a great week!
Elder Parco
We got to go to this Lake... and Dam!! It was pretty fun!
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