Monday, May 22, 2017

I'm off to Misvingo!

I Got Transferred!
Another week of Transfers came, and I will be leaving the city of Kadoma! It was a bittersweet moment saying bye to all the people I have met in that area. But now I'm off to a new adventure in my mission. So where did I get transfered to? Well I am now in the area of Misvingo. As Sister Mkhabela says, (mission president's wife), "The island of the mission". It was about a 5 hour drive from the city of Kadoma, but about 7 hour drive away from the city of Harare. So it's pretty far out. But so far what I can tell it's really nice. And it has a nice chapel here. Seems like my areas keep upgrading. haha But I am now companions to Elder Chimtengo who is from Malawi. He a really cool guy! And he has already been in this area for 2 transfers or 3 months. 
So as for my last area, Well me and Elder Richardson both left Kadoma, and noone is coming in to replace us, probably because the decrease of missionaries. But our beloved housemates Elder Condie and Cazier will be taking over both areas, like how we started in the Trio in the beginning of the transfer.
But I am now excited for this new change! We'll just have to see what happens next!
Highlights of Kadoma
Well since I left Kadoma, here are some highlights of it:
The kids would know my name and say, "Elder Parco, how are you?" or "HOw are you Murugu?" then want to hold my hand. 
When we would walk in our area at night, the smoke and dust would stay just above the ground so you would breathe in a bunch of smoky and dusty air the whole night, with your eyes burning. haha not the best. But it was cool
Also the Tech shops  6x6 feet that would sell basic food supplies. They were just cool.
My awesome recent convert rapper friend who can rap like nobodies business.
My other awesome friend who was a great motivational speaker.
Oh and can't forget about the lovely potholes that were there. So bad that cars would actually drive off the road than drive on it beacuse there would be 20 potholes in the space of 10 feet.
And the wonderful members who would love to have us over for dinner every week.
And lastly the amazing Young men/branch missionaries who are preparing for missions that would ask us if they could help with missionary work. THey will be super powerful misisonaries when they go out.
I will truly miss this place, but it was a great adventure!
Until next time,
Elder Parco

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