Monday, May 1, 2017

A memory found

A Memory Found
We found a powerful new investigator this week! Her name? Memory! We were walking down the street and this lady called us over and said that her friend really wanted to know more about the gospel. So excitedly we set a return appointment with her. When we met her, we taught about the Restoration and asked if she had any questions. Then she said the golden questions every missionary is looking for: She asked, "What is my Purpose in life, and where will we go after this life" Then she continued on saying, "I've done a lot in my past life and just really want to know how to change from my mistakes and become free of sin?" When she said that, our jaws just dropped and was like, "Well, everything you just asked is exactly why we are here!" Haha
 Then this Saturday she came to an activity that us missionaries planned. We shared messages about why families are important, and emphasized on the importance of spending time together. Then with permission we got to watch the movie Home! It was awesome and successful! Although super stressful at first. But it all worked out.

A Powerful Sacrament Meeting
First A fun culture thing: So here in Zimbabwe, everyone speaks Shona. So when sacrament meeting and church comes around, people speak Shenglish. They combine Shona and English together, and I still don't know Shona. But I get the gist of what they are saying. But Anyways...
This Sacrament meeting was a powerful one!  The speakers were so good and you could really feel the spirit. But my favorite part was when we were in the investigators class, and one of our investigators for the first time coming to church said,"That meeting really touched me. I really felt something different inside of me, and I didn't expect that when I came. It touched me so deeply."
After she said that all of the missionaries in the room were smiling thinking, "That my friend is called the spirit."
I know that the spirit testifies of truth and that through the Holy Ghost, we all can know the truth of all things. 

Zone Conference
This week we had Zone Conference which was really nice. Sister Mkhabela talked about continuing our flames that we all once had at the MTC and not letting it die. And the counsel on Leadership was great! Besides that afterwards we got to take a generation picture with my trainer and trainee. Was pretty cool.

Well I had a great week this week! I hope everyone had a great week as well!
Love you all!

Elder Parco

1) Elder Condie and Caizer made this awesome pizze pasta
2-3) Generation pictures Left to Right: Elder Luvuno's son, Elder Luvuno (Father), Me, Elder Young Yen (Son), Elder Condie (grandson)
4) Missionaries heading home this transfer from this conference
5) Just helping separeating maize from the cob

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