I think that the greatest thing that comes from the mission, is seeing miracles happen in the investigators lives of those you teach! And there is this one amazing investigator, Mai (Mother) Junior. We have been meeting with her for quite some time, to the point where we have been teaching into greater depth of the lessons we share. But on Friday we taught her more about prayers, and how it can be a communication with God. We started talking about how prayers can be answered in different ways and gave multiple examples. Then we asked her if she had an example she has seen in her life. She gave us this story:
Weeks ago Mai Junior wanted to learn more about the Word of God and to understand it a little more. So one day she prayed to God to ask to find help. She asked for anyone to stop by and help her. Then she said a voice came into her head, "They will pass right by you." She looked up and saw me and Elder Barrus (My previous companion) And she ran up to us and asked for a Bible Study! SO of course Elder Barrus and I scheduled an appointment for her. She said that we were an answer to her prayers and was so grateful that God had answered her.
When she told us this story, I was so touched. Because before that moment, I didn't know that we were an answer to her prayers. We just thought she was some lady that wanted to just have a bible study. But hearing that experience really strengthened my testimony. That as Missionaries, we really are on the Lord's Errand. And that things aren't coincidental. And God really does answer all prayers.
This Sunday she was able to make it to church for her first time!! And she was super early! I was so happy when she came! We are now currently planning out her baptismal date, after we figure out the issues of getting her legally married. I just hope everything works out so she can be baptized. But I know she is converted to the gospel.
Trio Has Dispersed
Sadly all of our adventures as a trio will now be over. Including those rap battles... BUT doesn't mean I can still be good when I get home. So what happened? Well in the middle of the week we got a call from the Zone Leaders telling us that Elder Cazier will be getting a new companion, Elder Condie!! He has come from my home town Bindura! And also.. he's my grandson!! (Meaning Elder Young Yen who I trained (my son) trained Elder Condie (My Grandson)) So he has been joining us in the huge house of ours. He's a really cool guy! And really tall. But we have now continued our fun with our new housemate, Elder Condie.
SO funny thing. We went to a house to teach a lesson to a recent convert. And she had a little brother who was about 5 years old. Before each lesson, we always start with a prayer. Elder Cazier was the one who said the prayer. So during the prayer this little kid, who really couldn't understand much English really wanted to make sure he said AMen at the right time. While Elder Caizer was praying, this kid would shout "AMEN!" AMEN" Over and over at random times whenever he thought the prayer was over. Haha it was really funny and then at the end of the Prayer Elder Cazier made it obvious that he was going to finish and the kid gave the biggest "AMEN!" ever. It was a great moment.
So that was the just of my week! MIssionary work is still going great! And loving it! I hope that everyone else had a great week as well!
Elder Parco
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