A Pretty Awesome Sunday!
Things are going great in Kadoma. We are continuing to harvest our success. But this Sunday was a pretty eventful one! To start off:
I gave a talk on Sunday! When we got to church our branch President was saying that there wasn't people to speak in sacrament meeting today.... so in return. He looked at me and ask me to give a talk. So I did! And it wen really well! Got to talk on this special Easter Sunday. I talked about a topic I have been studying recently. Jesus Christ's Charity. The indescribable, and unimaginable love that Jesus has for us. The love he has for each one of us. His love is individual. "The Worth of Every soul is great." And I have read it and seen it through the ministry that Jesus had on the earth. I read once in Corinthians about Charity. And it said something around the lines of, If ye have not Charity in anything you do to help or serve, then what you do profiteths nothing. It was powerful. EVERYTHING need to be done in Charity. Because Charity is what makes us become like Christ. It is the Pure love of Christ. And it's what people notice. It was a great opportunity to be able to talk on Easter. And it ended up being a great success.
I gave a talk on Sunday! When we got to church our branch President was saying that there wasn't people to speak in sacrament meeting today.... so in return. He looked at me and ask me to give a talk. So I did! And it wen really well! Got to talk on this special Easter Sunday. I talked about a topic I have been studying recently. Jesus Christ's Charity. The indescribable, and unimaginable love that Jesus has for us. The love he has for each one of us. His love is individual. "The Worth of Every soul is great." And I have read it and seen it through the ministry that Jesus had on the earth. I read once in Corinthians about Charity. And it said something around the lines of, If ye have not Charity in anything you do to help or serve, then what you do profiteths nothing. It was powerful. EVERYTHING need to be done in Charity. Because Charity is what makes us become like Christ. It is the Pure love of Christ. And it's what people notice. It was a great opportunity to be able to talk on Easter. And it ended up being a great success.
Marvelous Baptisms
Besides the talk, After church we had the baptisms of two of our Candidates. Tichauna and Tatenda! (about 21 and 13) They were so excited to be baptized! And Tichauna afterwards even said, "I just feel something different in my life. I feel clean. My head Feels clear. I feel good." It was one of the greatest moments. Seeing the change that people have in thier lives is amazing. Also a quote form Tatenda. "I'm so happy to be in the original gospel!" Haha and it is true. This is the original gospel and the true church of God. But baptisms went so well. Although preparation was a bit hectic, the baptism went smoothly and many members showed up to watch. It was yet again, another great success.
Lumberjack Race
Lastly just a little fun with some kids. So when we were on our way to eat at a lovely member who feeds us every Sunday. We saw a gruop of these little kids, trying to saw this piece of wood in half for firewood. So we asked if we could help them. There were two saws. So Elder Cazier and Elder Richardson were sawing on one end of the long piece of wood. And me and this little kid were sawing on the other. So naturally we decided to race each other. And this other kid and I started hauling. We were cutting like true lumberjacks! Smooth and deep cuts all the way! We sawed back and forth back and forth. until that piece of wood fell apart into two pieces. Ending the race and ultimately being the true champions of that competition. Now the other Elders saw may have been really dull and may of had just a slightly bigger piece than we did, but we still came up on top, as the champions.
SO the Trio companionship is going really well. Elder Cazier and Elder Richardson are two awesome guys. And our teaching has been going as smooth as the cutting me and that kid did. But you know sometimes in a companionship you have a little bit of fun. Elder Richardson has some talent, he can beat box really well. So... causally when we are walking down the street to our area, Elder Richardson throws a beat while me and Elder Caizer have rap battles against each other. And let me tell you.. we are horrible. haha But we are getting better and better everyday. So better watch out. When I get back from the mission I may be the best freestyle rapper out there!
Well I had a great week this week! And the work is continuing to prosper! I hope that everyone else had a great week as well! And as always I miss you all!
-Took some pictures and hung out with some monkeys in our yard.
-picture with Tichauna at his work place
-Celebrating Elder Richardsons Birthday
-A nice salad we made! Super nice!
-Baptisimal pictures
-Picture of some cool artwork on a wall
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