Monday, April 3, 2017

Investigator update!

How Are The Investigators?
So wonderful news about Tsitsi!! We baptized her this Sunday!! It was such a great baptism! She was so ready and she is one of the strongest investigators ever! She absolutely loves the gospel and has been coming to church every week! And she also brings her brother and sister and the neighbor kids! She is helping us so much in the missionary work. Oh and also she has one of the cutest babies in history! His eyes are so round, and he always has this face of ahhh on him.
Better yet this Sunday we talked to Tsitsi's aunt, and invited her to church, and she came! She got to witness Tsitsi getting baptized as well! 

This guy is so talented. Everytime we go to visit he just surprises us more and more! When we first met him he said that he dedicated his life to Christ and is so excited to be able to be baptized in the church! He understands everything that we teach him so well, that he even reexplains what we just taught in such an eye-opening way that I even learn from him most of the time! haha But his talents are so amazing! He has a gift for creativity. We visit and he always has a new idea for a Christian movie, that always sounds like a great plot. But the coolest thing, is that he is a local music artist! So he makes songs and raps and stuff. And Wow! He is so good! 
We told him that one of us might leave next week, and he was like, "Guys I have to leave you with something!" And he was like "I'll make you guys a song, just write down the theme, and I'll come up with something" So we came up with a theme, of Pushing forward when opposition is pushing back. And then he plays this instrumental beat and just starts singing and rapping. He came up with a full song!! Like with a chorous and everything! Just on the spot!! It was so amazing! He is so good! Haha so who knows, if everything works out, I might be receiving a song made from our investigator in the near future. 

We found Gannet! He was one of our golden investigators that just fell off the face of the earth! But we walked by his house and he was there! He said that he still wanted to learn and brought up another date when he could be baptized! We were so pumped when we found him! haha 
But sad part.. he wasn't able to show up to church, so we will have to figure out what is going on.
But he is still a dedicated guy who miraculously gave up smoking and drinking in a day!

Unexpected Visitors
So Saturday night.. we had some unexpected visitors in our house. Yeah so long story short, we had some thieves break into our house and steal our money and some other accessories. Luckily however I didn't get hit too hard, just some money. Miraculously still have my camera with me. The strangest part though was how well planned this burglary was.Like these guys were pretty smart. They went through the window, knew exactly what they were looking for, and where exactly to find it. It was some pretty crazy stuff. But things are good, we just some lost cash, and two camera's stolen, but at least we are all perfectly safe. So not much to worry about. But an exciting story to tell.

Well I love you all very very much!! I hope that this week goes wonderfully!

Elder Parco

1) Our Good branch missionary friend Prince!
2-3) Some Evidence of the stealing
4) Tsitsi baptism!!!

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