Monday, May 8, 2017

House fixing

How many Missionaries can you fit into one house
This week must be the fixer upper week because 1) There is now a guy working at our house to make the yard all nice, and 2) The Zone leaders house is being renovated. Which means the Zone leaders are now living at our house until things are all nice and tidy back at the other house. So if you add everything up, that's about 6 missionaries that are living in one house. They came in Wednesday night and I think they will be heading back to there house on Wednesday this week. So it's been quite a party at the house. haha With 6 people, things get messy real fast. But it's good. The Zone leaders are just lodging in the room where Elder Richardson and I study with their mattresses. But it's been cool have a temporary 6 man house.
Just a casual Week
The missionary wok is continuing to go well in the town of Rimuka. We have been preparing this mother and her daughter for baptism. And the mother is so sweet and kind. She is a blind lady who loves to hear about the gospel and tries to go to church every week. And her son Tatenda who was recently baptized weeks ago is so excited to be able to serve a mission when he gets older. I just love this family so much and am excited for this weekend for their baptisms.
Also this week I was able to go on exchanges with the Zone leaders. It was a great experience. We met this new investigator in their area that when we taught, was so excited about the gospel and all that it had for them. It was so amazing. He loved it and his wife who didn't know English tried so hard to listen in. It was a great lesson to teach.
Besides missionary work we also did some service. We got to help someone plow/hoe their small field. It was fun but ended up in a couple of blisters on the hand. But I can now say I've farmed on Zimbabwean soil!

Besides the casual things, we had some unusual things happen:
So while me and Elder Richardson were teaching a lesson to a group of three guys about the Word of Wisdom, one of the guys asked a smarty question like "What if you get addicted to a drug you are supposed to take for health?" And asked if that happens if you should stop taking the drug or keep taking it. And then this drunk discombobulated guy with a beanie and dreads listening to the conversation comes up and says with a slurred voice"I got something to say on this" Haha and we were all a little nervous but we let him talk. And he shouted. "If you are taking something that you are addicted to STOP IT!" "Addicted to Alcohol STOP IT Addicted to tobacco STOP IT! Addicted to marijuana STOP IT! Stop Being addicted! Thank you!" Haha it was one of the most funniest moments I have ever had while teaching that lesson. And he totally backed us up on all of the things on the Word of Wisdom. Me and my companion were cracking up while he was totally testifying of the truth. It was awesome.
But this week was great! And it went by so fast! I love you all and hope that everyone had a great week!
Elder Parco
Welp just have a picture of a homemade burger that we made over an open fire!

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