How many Missionaries can you fit into one house
This week must be the fixer upper week because 1) There is now a guy working at our house to make the yard all nice, and 2) The Zone leaders house is being renovated. Which means the Zone leaders are now living at our house until things are all nice and tidy back at the other house. So if you add everything up, that's about 6 missionaries that are living in one house. They came in Wednesday night and I think they will be heading back to there house on Wednesday this week. So it's been quite a party at the house. haha With 6 people, things get messy real fast. But it's good. The Zone leaders are just lodging in the room where Elder Richardson and I study with their mattresses. But it's been cool have a temporary 6 man house.
Besides missionary work we also did some service. We got to help someone plow/hoe their small field. It was fun but ended up in a couple of blisters on the hand. But I can now say I've farmed on Zimbabwean soil!
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