The mission language here is English. We teach in English, talk in English, and do all that we can do, in English. However sometimes communication can be a little rough since most of Zimbabwe speaks Shona, and the rest speaks Ndelbele. So here is a real example of a communication mishap that sometimes happens:
It was nighttime, getting dark, and time to go home. So me and my companion just entered into a taxi/car that was going to take us back to town. We sit down and try to start a friendly conversation with the driver:
Richardson: "This car is Big!"
Driver seeming not to understand us: "What you say?"
Me trying to help: "There's lots of space in this car!"
Driver exclaiming all panicked: "You left your bag?"
haha it was quite funny but after that it was just silence in the car until we got to the destination, and said "Mai Tabasa!" (Thank you) And left.
But apparently I'm still not the best at English either, because Wednesday I went on exchanges with Elder Condie and we went out to contact some people, and we stop at this one store to talk to the lady there. So we start talking small talk, and then apparently I ran out of ideas on what to talk about because I started to ask a question not really knowing what I wanted to say and said, "So do you have.... Pets? Haha it was the awkwardest pause ever! But the lady laughed a bit and I pulled it off so it wasn't horribly awkward. But yeah So far being out 10 months on mission, I'm still learning the language.
Miracles of the Exchange!
Like I mentioned before, this week I went on exchanges with Elder Condie. And we saw so many miracles happen that day. But there is this one experience that was absolutely perfect:
After teaching some lessons throughout the day, we had about an hour gap or so until our next appointment, so we decided to some companionship study during that time. We looked around where we could sit and Elder Condie picked a spot on a pile of rocks we could sit on infront a gate to a house. We sit down and see this kid go into the gate of this house. Then 2 minutes laterthe kid named Rodrick comes out and asks if we have any books that he can read. So we told him that we can just teach about the books we have. It was great! Just after we taught about the Restoration and ended with a closing prayer, his parents come up to the house and invite us in! The gave us some butered bread and sodas. But then they told us something about Rodrick and us missionaries. The other day Elder Condie and Cazier were walking down the street returning a cricket ball they lost the other day and Rodrick saw them. So he ran to his house and told the parents that he saw the missionaries friends and wants his parents to see them as well. But the time that Rodrick came back, Elder Condie and Cazier were already gone. So me and Elder Condie just happened to sit right outside that very house that Rodrick lived in. It was an abosulte miracle. We ended up teaching the family as well about the Restoration and invited them to church. And this Sunday, the family came. The mom, Rodrick, and some friends. It was amazing!
Then later on that night we were walking back to the house which would of been a 40 minute walk, but Elder Condie and I really didn't feel that well, so we prayed to get a ride back home from someone passing by, and after the 3 car. Someone picked us up and brought us to our street, free of rent!
I now have stronger conviction that ever that in God's work there is no such thing as coincidences and that it is all on the Lord's timing. I know that as long that we are doing the right thing and we follow the spirit, that God will lead us to those that are prepared to recieve the gospel.
Family! I love you so much, it was so nice to talk to you and see all your faces and hear your voices. I hope that everyone had a great week this week!
I love you all!
Elder Parco
1) Exchanges with Elder Condie
2) We went golfing today! Got so much better!
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