Monday, June 19, 2017

Touching moments

Touching Moments
Tuesday we met with one of our new investigators Eventhough. And the lesson we had was absolutely amazing! We first followed up with her to see if she read and prayed about the message of the Restoration. And to our surprise, she said yes! Then we asked if she got her answer, and she went on and explained that she wasn’t quite sure if she got her answer or not. We asked how she was expecting her answer and she said that she thought that maybe she would have a dream or a vision or something. Then she thought a bit and said that every time she read the Restoration pamphlet she had this good feeling inside that she couldn’t explain and it just felt right and good to her. And then she said,”Maybe that was my answer…. Yes I think that’s my answer.” I was so happy! It’s moments like these that makes me love missionary work! When people feel the presence of the Holy Ghost in their lives, and they receive an answer to their prayers. After that lesson I was happy the rest of the day.

Also on Sunday a man named Wuititi showed up to church on his own! We set an appointment to meet with him that day and when we visited, we asked him what made him decide to go to this church today. He said that in his past that he has been going to a lot of different churches, and none of them felt right. He would go, sing with them, and learn nothing in return. Then when he saw our church he thought to himself, “I need to go to this one.” For whatever reason, maybe the name of the church or the feeling he felt, but that week he ran into a member of a church that was a friend and asked about the church. And the member invited him that Sunday. And he came! It was awesome! Then during the lesson he said with a determination, I am going to be a member of your church! It was so amazing!

I have seen so many miracles this week! And the love of God in my life. And am so grateful  for the opportunity to be a part of this work. The people here are so welcoming about hearing the gospel. We were knocking doors and came to this grandma’s house and she was the sweetest lady ever who when we said that we came to share the gospel, was so excited and let us in. Although the whole conversation I had no idea what she was saying because of the language barrier, she just had a wide smile on her face the whole time my companion was talking to her.
I love this work and can’t wait for what this week might bring!!

I love you all and hope that you have the greatest week ever!

Elder Parco

Didn’t take any picture this week. Sorry!

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