Monday, August 28, 2017

Things are starting to buzz!

Yeah so first things first. I just got a haircut. Yep, went to the barber, sat down, and he just went at it buzzing away the hair. So now my hair is super short on all sides. But hey it actually looks pretty good. Now I know what I would look like if I ever would join the military. I'll send a picture of the outcome. But anyways, here was my week. 

Things are starting to Buzz!
This week was amazing! Or more like this weekend was amazing! Things are truly starting to happen in Masvingo! And super pumped to see what will come out of it. So like I said before, the weekend was great! But the weekdays. Probably some of the hardest. But hey this week proved that sacrifice prepares us for something better. And that weekend was that something better. So the week. Basically lots of fall throughs and empty days. And Wednesday was horrible. Our whole house got sick again, except this time just with some queasiness and bad stomachs, with the feeling of throwing up. But luckily it only lasted for about 2 days. And Wednesday was one of those days. That day was pretty empty as well. Only really taught two lessons. And the rest of the time we were walking around Rujeko with sick stomachs, finding out that no one is home. But we endured and survived. But here is why the weekend is so amazing.
Friday and Saturday. Those days made up for the rest. They were packed and filled with so many people and great lessons. 

One new investigator that we found was a friend of Taka's. Who has been going to church for ages but noone has taught him. So we taught him. He is so engaged, believes these things are true and set a date for his baptism on the 9th of September. Also Tinashe. Last Sunday asked when he could be baptized. So when we met with him, we went over baptism and set a date with him on the 2nd. And lastly Ngonizvashe. We have been teaching him for some time and set a date for him as well on the 2nd! So that is amazing! 

Also funny moment, we met his guy named Joshua. And when we visited him he was like, "Alright I want you guys to teach me. But when you teach I want it to look like I'm teaching you, but still teach me about the gospel." Haha So we went through the lesson with him and every time someone walked by the street where we were, he would just start reading the pamphlet we gave him and act like he was teaching us. It was funny. So that was the week. Super successful in the end.  

Power of the Book of Mormon!
But the biggest miracle of all was Sunday. I have found this week that there is a strong correlation between someone reading the Book of Mormon and their conversion. Here's why. Tinahse, the boy we have been teaching and set a date for him has a father who has been listening in on the lessons. And the whole time usually the father is somewhat interested but hasn't really participated much. SO on Wednesday we taught about the Book of Mormon and leave it with them. Then here is the miracle, On Friday. We visit the family again. And we start teaching a bit about the Plan of Salvation. Then all of a sudden the father opens up to us and just starts talking about how he needs engage in the gospel, and wants to eventually join the church. And he said that all because he read the Book of Mormon. He said he believes this gospel is true and wants to be apart of it. And even that he said that the example of his son last week. It was cold last Sunday and the father asked the son if he was going to go to church. And the son said nothing will stop me from going. And walked the 1 hour journey to the church. Then he told us how he was going to be there this Sunday. And when Sunday rolled around he was there! With his son! It was truly a miracle!

The second miracle comes from an investigator named Mai Avante. We have been really focusing on the Restoration and Mai Avante and her nephew both go to another church. SO recently we have been leaving chapters for Mai Avante to read from the Book of Mormon. Starting from 3 Nephi Ch. 11. And we show back up and she read it. So then we assign her ch. 12. WE come back of Saturday and she read it. And says that she absolutely loves the book. Then that Saturday we invite them to church and then said, if nothing comes up then they will try to come. Well to our surprise, when Sunday rolled around she was there!! It was quite a miracle! And she seemed so happy to be there!

I truly know the power that the Book of Mormon has from just reading it. ANd that by reading this book it truly changes lives! I hope everyone continues to read the book everyday! Because there is a power that comes from it.

I love you all and hope you all have a great week!! Until Next Time!

Elder Parco

Pictures: my haircut

Monday, August 21, 2017

Miracle Wednesdays and Service Saturdays

Empty Wednesday
This day was a bit of a dud. But ended off pretty well. So all day we didn't have any appointments set up. So we first went around to potential investigators to see if they were around to teach or set another appointment. Got to each house and then... Nothing. Every single person we saw was not home. Until We finally found Mai Avante. Taught her a great lesson then continued on with the day. SO at this point, we had no one else to see. So went then went along and contacted houses.. Had some good conversations here and there but ultimately... nothing.
So we were walking down the street, and see this big fire in the field. And here's what happened.
Me: "Hey do you want to take a picture by that fire over there?
Elder Whittier: "Sure, why not. Do you want to?" 
Me: "Only if there is a path"  
Walked like 10 feet 
Whittier: "Well, There's a path, let's go!"
So we go over to this fire. And then these twin boys come over and want to take a picture with us. So we do and start becoming friends with them. Then we tell them our purpose, and they invite us to come over to teach them some other time. It was pretty cool.
Then on the way back to our house. We take this "shortcut" Which leads to a boe hole. (a well) And we just start helping this guy fill his water and take it to his house. Then when we were going to leave, this guy on his own says, "Hey Take my number to teach me and invite me on church on Sunday, I'll be free." 
It was pretty awesome! Even thought the whole day was a bit tiring. That last hour made it worth it. 

Miracle Thursday
Thursday was truly a miracle. So today we were in Rujeko area. Which takes about 1 hour walk from the church. So we go there and try to find this kid who came to church about two weeks ago. Tinashe. Before then however, we walked around to people we had set appointments with, however all were fall throughs. So we are walking through the area, keeping in the back of our minds the street that we need to find. Then all of a sudden we look at where we are and it's that street! Miracle. So we find Tinashe's house and we ask for him. And right at that moment Tinashe just arrived at the house. And the look of his excitement on his face was priceless. He was so happy to see us missionaries. So we talk to the parents, introduce ourselves and set an appointment for us to come back. 
Then we started walking to a RC's but on the way took a wrong street, and run into a potential investigator from like 3 months ago. He starts asking us questions about the Restoration that we taught all that time ago and asks us to come by the house another day. Then just 10 steps further on the street a guy calls us over and tells us to take down his details because he wants to be taught. Awesome. Then we are walking on another street. Back on track to the Recent Convert and I see these house and tell Elder Whittier, I've always had a feeling to contact these houses but never have. Then right after I said that things lady comes out onto the street, tells us that she wants to be taught. We asked here where she lives and she pointed to the house I just was talking about! It was truly a miracle! haha 
That whole day was amazing and found so many new investigators that day. I love all the opportunities that Heavenly Father has given us.

Service Saturday
Saturday We were able to help with Mormon Helping Hands at an orphanage. It was awesome. Just helped out on yard work. But Bro. Vanerai and us four missionaries jobs were to till all of the field. And wow was that a lot of work. Got 3 nasty blisters on my hand from it. But it was pretty great experience. So now know how to till a field with a hoe!

Well this was quite an eventful week! I hope everyone elses week's are just as eventful!! I love you all Until Next Time!

Elder Parco

The Fire and the kids
Serive on Saturday 

Monday, August 14, 2017

Transfer week!

Transfer Week!
So we celebrated a funeral this week. Of my beloved companion Elder Chimtengo. haha Sunday night we celebrated his last breaths of air in the Zimbabwe territory, as he moves onto greater and better things in Malawi. We had a funeral service and everything for him. Ending with the Danish cake that Elder Koch received from home. It was nice. But it was sad to see him go. I will truly miss serving with Elder Chimtengo. He had an unbelievable knowledge about the scriptures the bible especially. And he knew how to work effectively. I am now honored to carry on what he has left with me.
But in other news, I am staying in Masvingo!! ANd now have a new companion. Elder Whittier. Who is apparently the youngest missionary on the mission. Turning 19 on the 26th of August! haha So We'll get to celebrate that fun stuff! Also Fun Fact: All of my companions expect Elder Young Yen I have been their companions while it was their birthdays. (Elder Luvuno, Barrus, Richardson, Chimtengo, and now Whittier) Haha so starting to get good at these birthday celebrations. Plus their packages from home are always nice! haha 
But a bit about Whitter: I already know him. So not much a surprise of who he is. haha. He is from South Denver Colorado, and a pretty chill, funny guy. And the same height as Elder Anderson, who is about 6 feet 6 inches (maybe) But it makes me feel super short. Since we have also Elder Koch who is about 5 inches taller than both of them. So ready for all those neck cramps this transfer for looking up the whole time. haha So That's all I got for now on information about my comp, but I'll keep you posted on... "Facts about Whittier". haha

Junior Was Baptized!
This Saturday we were able to have the baptism of Junior! IT was amazing and it made me realize how much joy I have when one gets baptized. Besides the baptism of Junior, the other Elders were also able to have baptisms of 6 people! Mostly a family and then two twin boys. But it was amazing. I remember that feeling on Sunday when all of them came to church early for their confirmation, and seeing all their bright and happy faces. It just made me feel complete joy. Something I really can't even describe. It was amazing. 7 new members who took the commitment to follow Christ and be numbered in his fold. 
It made me realize what is true joy. What really makes you happy in this life. It's the gospel. It's following Jesus Christ and keeping his commandments. Many times we see commandments as restrictions and a burden. But a way my preivous companion explained it is that it's a light. It brings in light to the darkness of the world. It makes the world a better place. This weekend was really a motivation for me to even work harder in the missionary work. Because I realized that the most joy I feel on mission, is when I see someone elses life change for the better.
I hope that everyone has a wonderful week this week! I love you all and be safe! Until next time...
THe one and only Elder Parco
Baptisms and our district!

Monday, August 7, 2017

Ye elders of Masvingo

Ye Elders of Masvingo

This week has been another great week for the Elders in Masvingo. But it seems as though adversity has hit the house, with the common flu. Let me tell you, sickness really puts a debby downer on the day. But the masvingo Elders moved forward, working steadfastly and with diligence throughout the week.  It all started with Elder Anderson, and now everyone in the house has had a piece of the sickness. All is well now, and all is recovering.  And as well many investigators are starting to progress.

Church Attendance Miracle

This Sunday was quite a miracle. The past few weeks have been low on investigators that have been coming to church. But this Sunday proved all of those past Sunday’s wrong. Besides the usual investigators that we expected that day, we also had mounds of referrals. A Brother from Kadoma (Last area I served) came down, brought his relative to church, and told us to teach her the gospel. As well as a future missionary Brother Taka brought three!! Of his friends to church, who seemed very interested in church service, as well as Bro. Tino a 15 year old young man who brought his friend to church. But lastly!! A boy named Tinashe about the age of 14, with no friends and not even knowing any Elders of the church came to church on his own! And most surprisingly, he walked all the way from Rujeko, which is at least a 40 minute walk to the church! It was absolutely a miracle. The investigators class was full to the very brim.
I am absolutely honoured to be able to have that opportunity to see these many new and potential investigators show up to church. But with this opportunity comes the work and effort to bring these new souls to salvation.

Jesus Christ Visiting the Americas.

I think my favorite part of the Book of Mormon is when Jesus Christ visits the ancient people in the Americas. For in these chapters it has helped me see the true character of Christ. It shows his emotion, his compassion, and his pure love. Jesus wept multiple times because of the joy and compassion he had on these people. His countenance smiled upon them. He loved them.
It makes me think how much he must love me. How he smiles with you through your righteousness and joyful times and weeps with you in times that are hard. I know that he loves me with all his heart and is always looking out for each and every one of us.

I hope that everyone has a great week this week!! I love you all. But Christ loves you more! Until Next time!

Elder Parco

So we went to Great Zimbabwe again! Pretty sweet!!
-Also made these sweet district shirts!!  Our area is known as the Masvingo Hawaii Mission.