Things are starting to Buzz!
This week was amazing! Or more like this weekend was amazing! Things are truly starting to happen in Masvingo! And super pumped to see what will come out of it. So like I said before, the weekend was great! But the weekdays. Probably some of the hardest. But hey this week proved that sacrifice prepares us for something better. And that weekend was that something better. So the week. Basically lots of fall throughs and empty days. And Wednesday was horrible. Our whole house got sick again, except this time just with some queasiness and bad stomachs, with the feeling of throwing up. But luckily it only lasted for about 2 days. And Wednesday was one of those days. That day was pretty empty as well. Only really taught two lessons. And the rest of the time we were walking around Rujeko with sick stomachs, finding out that no one is home. But we endured and survived. But here is why the weekend is so amazing.
Friday and Saturday. Those days made up for the rest. They were packed and filled with so many people and great lessons.
One new investigator that we found was a friend of Taka's. Who has been going to church for ages but noone has taught him. So we taught him. He is so engaged, believes these things are true and set a date for his baptism on the 9th of September. Also Tinashe. Last Sunday asked when he could be baptized. So when we met with him, we went over baptism and set a date with him on the 2nd. And lastly Ngonizvashe. We have been teaching him for some time and set a date for him as well on the 2nd! So that is amazing!
Also funny moment, we met his guy named Joshua. And when we visited him he was like, "Alright I want you guys to teach me. But when you teach I want it to look like I'm teaching you, but still teach me about the gospel." Haha So we went through the lesson with him and every time someone walked by the street where we were, he would just start reading the pamphlet we gave him and act like he was teaching us. It was funny. So that was the week. Super successful in the end.
Power of the Book of Mormon!
But the biggest miracle of all was Sunday. I have found this week that there is a strong correlation between someone reading the Book of Mormon and their conversion. Here's why. Tinahse, the boy we have been teaching and set a date for him has a father who has been listening in on the lessons. And the whole time usually the father is somewhat interested but hasn't really participated much. SO on Wednesday we taught about the Book of Mormon and leave it with them. Then here is the miracle, On Friday. We visit the family again. And we start teaching a bit about the Plan of Salvation. Then all of a sudden the father opens up to us and just starts talking about how he needs engage in the gospel, and wants to eventually join the church. And he said that all because he read the Book of Mormon. He said he believes this gospel is true and wants to be apart of it. And even that he said that the example of his son last week. It was cold last Sunday and the father asked the son if he was going to go to church. And the son said nothing will stop me from going. And walked the 1 hour journey to the church. Then he told us how he was going to be there this Sunday. And when Sunday rolled around he was there! With his son! It was truly a miracle!
The second miracle comes from an investigator named Mai Avante. We have been really focusing on the Restoration and Mai Avante and her nephew both go to another church. SO recently we have been leaving chapters for Mai Avante to read from the Book of Mormon. Starting from 3 Nephi Ch. 11. And we show back up and she read it. So then we assign her ch. 12. WE come back of Saturday and she read it. And says that she absolutely loves the book. Then that Saturday we invite them to church and then said, if nothing comes up then they will try to come. Well to our surprise, when Sunday rolled around she was there!! It was quite a miracle! And she seemed so happy to be there!
I truly know the power that the Book of Mormon has from just reading it. ANd that by reading this book it truly changes lives! I hope everyone continues to read the book everyday! Because there is a power that comes from it.
I love you all and hope you all have a great week!! Until Next Time!
Elder Parco
Pictures: my haircut