Ye Elders of Masvingo
This week has been another great week for the Elders in Masvingo. But it seems as though adversity has hit the house, with the common flu. Let me tell you, sickness really puts a debby downer on the day. But the masvingo Elders moved forward, working steadfastly and with diligence throughout the week. It all started with Elder Anderson, and now everyone in the house has had a piece of the sickness. All is well now, and all is recovering. And as well many investigators are starting to progress.
Church Attendance Miracle
This Sunday was quite a miracle. The past few weeks have been low on investigators that have been coming to church. But this Sunday proved all of those past Sunday’s wrong. Besides the usual investigators that we expected that day, we also had mounds of referrals. A Brother from Kadoma (Last area I served) came down, brought his relative to church, and told us to teach her the gospel. As well as a future missionary Brother Taka brought three!! Of his friends to church, who seemed very interested in church service, as well as Bro. Tino a 15 year old young man who brought his friend to church. But lastly!! A boy named Tinashe about the age of 14, with no friends and not even knowing any Elders of the church came to church on his own! And most surprisingly, he walked all the way from Rujeko, which is at least a 40 minute walk to the church! It was absolutely a miracle. The investigators class was full to the very brim.
I am absolutely honoured to be able to have that opportunity to see these many new and potential investigators show up to church. But with this opportunity comes the work and effort to bring these new souls to salvation.
Jesus Christ Visiting the Americas.
I think my favorite part of the Book of Mormon is when Jesus Christ visits the ancient people in the Americas. For in these chapters it has helped me see the true character of Christ. It shows his emotion, his compassion, and his pure love. Jesus wept multiple times because of the joy and compassion he had on these people. His countenance smiled upon them. He loved them.
It makes me think how much he must love me. How he smiles with you through your righteousness and joyful times and weeps with you in times that are hard. I know that he loves me with all his heart and is always looking out for each and every one of us.
I hope that everyone has a great week this week!! I love you all. But Christ loves you more! Until Next time!
Elder Parco
So we went to Great Zimbabwe again! Pretty sweet!!
-Also made these sweet district shirts!! Our area is known as the Masvingo Hawaii Mission.
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