Monday, August 14, 2017

Transfer week!

Transfer Week!
So we celebrated a funeral this week. Of my beloved companion Elder Chimtengo. haha Sunday night we celebrated his last breaths of air in the Zimbabwe territory, as he moves onto greater and better things in Malawi. We had a funeral service and everything for him. Ending with the Danish cake that Elder Koch received from home. It was nice. But it was sad to see him go. I will truly miss serving with Elder Chimtengo. He had an unbelievable knowledge about the scriptures the bible especially. And he knew how to work effectively. I am now honored to carry on what he has left with me.
But in other news, I am staying in Masvingo!! ANd now have a new companion. Elder Whittier. Who is apparently the youngest missionary on the mission. Turning 19 on the 26th of August! haha So We'll get to celebrate that fun stuff! Also Fun Fact: All of my companions expect Elder Young Yen I have been their companions while it was their birthdays. (Elder Luvuno, Barrus, Richardson, Chimtengo, and now Whittier) Haha so starting to get good at these birthday celebrations. Plus their packages from home are always nice! haha 
But a bit about Whitter: I already know him. So not much a surprise of who he is. haha. He is from South Denver Colorado, and a pretty chill, funny guy. And the same height as Elder Anderson, who is about 6 feet 6 inches (maybe) But it makes me feel super short. Since we have also Elder Koch who is about 5 inches taller than both of them. So ready for all those neck cramps this transfer for looking up the whole time. haha So That's all I got for now on information about my comp, but I'll keep you posted on... "Facts about Whittier". haha

Junior Was Baptized!
This Saturday we were able to have the baptism of Junior! IT was amazing and it made me realize how much joy I have when one gets baptized. Besides the baptism of Junior, the other Elders were also able to have baptisms of 6 people! Mostly a family and then two twin boys. But it was amazing. I remember that feeling on Sunday when all of them came to church early for their confirmation, and seeing all their bright and happy faces. It just made me feel complete joy. Something I really can't even describe. It was amazing. 7 new members who took the commitment to follow Christ and be numbered in his fold. 
It made me realize what is true joy. What really makes you happy in this life. It's the gospel. It's following Jesus Christ and keeping his commandments. Many times we see commandments as restrictions and a burden. But a way my preivous companion explained it is that it's a light. It brings in light to the darkness of the world. It makes the world a better place. This weekend was really a motivation for me to even work harder in the missionary work. Because I realized that the most joy I feel on mission, is when I see someone elses life change for the better.
I hope that everyone has a wonderful week this week! I love you all and be safe! Until next time...
THe one and only Elder Parco
Baptisms and our district!

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