Christmas Conference!
First off! Everyone have a very Merry Christmas!!!
This week on Tuesday we had a Christmas Conference with two other zones. It was pretty fun. We watched the Christmas devotional and then after we had a talent show with all the missionaries. So what did I decided to do? Magic tricks of course. haha It was great! Act went well. Haha don't know how to explain over email but it was just saracastically magical.
Also participated in helping with this other act that 6 of us Elders did. Accapella group of some Christmas Carols with a twist of Elder Leneham throwing some bars in the middle of the songs. For me I just helped with the beatboxing. haha It was way fun, and awesome! Wonderful Conference.
Greatest miracle of all. Bro. Cramner kept his promise and brought his whole family to church this Sunday!! It was super cool. Him, his wife and their 3 children came. And just to plant the seed a little deeper into their hearts, we taught about eternal marriage and eternal families in gospel principles class. Love that lesson. It's always such a super powerful topic.
The fact that Familes can be sealed forever, even after this life is the most glorious restored truth that will ever exist. It is not "Till Death we part" Anymore but For time and all eternity. We can be with our famlies for all eternity. Living with those we love and death will not seperate us. The more I think about it the more I realzied how glorious that truth is. And I know it's true. Famlies can be together forever.
Well Once Again. Merry Christmas to everyone!!! i love you all! Until next time!
Elder Parco
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