Big News!!
SO we just gained word from our Mission President that as from July 1st 2018 the Zimbabwe Harare Mission will be splitting and will become two missions, The Harare Zimbabwe missiona nd the Bulawayo Zimbabwe Mission! So for the last two weeks of my mission, two new mission Presidents will be coming and I may be in a new mission! haha Sweet! Happy new Year!
Celebrating The Christmas Cheer!
Christmas was this last week! It was great! Sorry didn't get to tell you all about it last week. As a house we just celebrated by making a nice lunch! Made some ham, chicken, more meat, and some mash potatoes. But by far the Ham was the best made by the Austrailian Elder LeneHam himself!
But as well with the Christmas season came the New Year!! Which means my full year as a missionary is now complete! Feels good. haha But as for missionary work.. it was a bit slow. Many of our investigators were out of town this week, so we just found more people to teach this week.
So here is a few expereinces I had these past two weeks!
Sarah The new investigator
We were teaching this familiy, the Mugwadiki family and we went to the house to visit and teach the father. Sadly when we got there he wasn't there, but we talked a bit to their kids Tapiwa and Sarah. Tapiwa we have already taught in the past, but Sarah was new. So as we didn't see baba (father) we were about to go, when Sarah stops us and say's "Wait, you can teach me about the gospel." So then we set appointments with Sarah and have been teaching her since. But the coolest thing is that we left the commitment to pray to know if the things we were teaching is true. And next visit we follow up and she says, "I think I got an answer." So we asked what her answer was. She said, "My heart feels like these things are true, but my mind and what people are saying makes me doubt." Then we couseled her to follow her heart and if she feels like this answer comes from God, then she should follow that prompting. After that visit we left her with the Book of Mormon and asked her to read and pray to know if it is true. So this next week we will she was happens.
The Big Finds
So since this week we really didn't have any of our more progressing investigators around to teach, we were just teach mainly new people this week. But this week we found two families in our finding effforts. The first family, it was Saturday and we were going to visit a recent convert with a new address, but find out that he may not even live there. But we fget directed to the next door house with someone named Tapiwa, (The one we were looking for) So we go there find out it's not our recent convert. But end up starting a discussion and teaching the family that was there. Awesome
And on Sunday. We were feeling a bit down. No investigators came to church, but we were walking around and then started talking to this boy, Kinglord. (Sick name) And then the mother invites us in the house and we teach the whole famliy there a bit about the plan of Salvation and are planning on visiting them next week! That was awesome!
Yeah things are moving slowly here, but things are happening!
-Celebrating for our Christmas Lunch!! Nice food!!
-Merry Christmas!!!
-Skyping my family
-OK!!! These Sisters are going Home tomorrow!!! They came with me in the MTC!! Sister Park and Sister Wells! Now that's weird! haha
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