Monday, January 8, 2018

David and Car rides

Need a Lift?
The most inspiring thing that I have seen this week happened even today, on our way to town. And I can testify that out of small things, great things come to pass. Four of us Elders were on our way out the door from the house to town. About to walk to the street to get a combie/transportation. Well while walking down the street Elder Carpenter waves down this one van like combie, and it stops. A guy unmarried 26 years of age is driving. He says that he is going to town and he'll give us a lift. We hop in, and we are about to pay him money for the transportation and he stops us saying, "I don't want the money." So we were like sweet! A free ride to town, which would have been expensive (never happened in my whole time here). Well we continue and he tells us he want to make a quick stop to his mothers house before he heads over there. We go there, he greets his mother from inside the van, then hands her some money to help her through the day.Then we head to town, talking some small talk, (At the same time this guy being a boss driver) And we stop at this light where this kid is asking for some money. (Now we deal with beggars a lot, and they can be very persistent.) But this guy sees the kid, reaches in his pocket, and gives him 50 cents. (Which is worth a lot more to someone here than at home) Then continues on his way. And the whole drive, and at every stop, he rolls down his window and starts talking to the cars next to us, instantly becoming friends with them and giving them a smile. He then tells us where he is planning on going, but told us he will drop us off where we need to go then head out in his direction. Then on the way, another lady on the road waves down this car, and he pulls over. She gets in, she is about to offer money, and says the same thing, "I don't want the money." She was very happy with the response and we continue on with the drive. Then finally, we arrive in town. And not only does he take us to town, but a direct stop to where we needed to go. Taking his own precious time to go through all of the traffic in town and dropping us specifically where we needed to go. It was amazing. And I was touched. He drops us off and we thank him. Then we leave. 
This guy, who I don't even know what his name was, was beyond inspiring. He made me even reflect myself. This guy was caring, and sincerely genuine in everything he did. He just went around doing good, wanting nothing in return. He was an example of Christ. Then it made me think. What makes someone truly happy? Is it wanting things for yourself? No. It's being an example of Christ. And serving our fellow beings. Sometimes we look inwardly all the time, but if we really want to be happy, we have to look outside of us, and help others. Not only will you brighten the lives of others, but you will also increase the light inside of you. That's how we find true happiness.

We keep seeing David!
There is this guy David. He lives in our area, and he just keeps popping up! haha So a bit about David. David is an investigator, (but we never taught him anything until this day) but has lots of friends in the church, as well as 2 weeks ago his sister got baptized in the church! Well this whole week we have been seeing him in some of the most randomest places in our area. So on Friday we head to this investigator to just check up on them. Well they weren't home but then David out of nowhere calls at us, "Hey come over here!!" We come there meet him again, turns to his friends, and says "Let's learn about the gospel." So with him and his two friends we sit down and start introducing ourselves. Then we ask if there are any questions they may have. Well his two friends at this time really didn't seem like they wanted to be here, or interested very much. So David says, "I have a question! What is our purpose in life? And where will we go after this life?" Haha then his two friends perk up, "Yeah! Where do we go after we die?" Then I look at David, and he has this look like, I'm helping you out now with these questions I know you know how to answer. Haha then being a bit confused because I knew David has never been taught by missionaries I ask David, "Your sister has been teaching you, hasn't she?" Then he just smiles back at me and says yes. So we continue on with the lesson and teach him and his two friends where we will go after we die. And thanks to David we were able to get 3 new investigators that are now way more interested in the message. 

Well I hope that everyone had a great week this week!! I love you all!! Until Next Time!!! 

Elder Parco

-This is my Christmas present from my parents!! Now my favorite shirt I have! Captain America! Thanks!
-Got these giant mangos from a recent convert!

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