Mission Focus: Family History
Well this Tuesday we had Zone Conference! It was great! President Mkhabela had some great insights, and we have a different vision as a mission. Family History! Haha it was funny how excited President got whenever he started talking about this subject. But for the mission we are putting a focus helping recent converts and investigators do family history and then sending names in the temple. Baptizing now only the living, but now focusing on helping those in the spirit world. We now that a certain number of "Devices" that can help us with the work. It's going to be sweet! We already helped Mebson a recent convert get started on his Family History.
Book of Mormon Class
Welp just a quick update: The attendence of the glass more than doubled in size!! Went from attendence of 2 to 5! So that's sweet! And best of all Bro. Cain came! He was so engaged in the lesson and you can tell that the spirit is just working through him. He's super excited to go over the chapters for next week
Had Stake Conference this Saturday and Sunday... and Miracles do happen. So on Saturday we were inviting our investigators that day to the Conference for Sunday. And most don't have transportation so you would either need to walk a far ways or pay for transportation to get there. We visit the Muguberra famliy with SIster Antonio, who is just super powerful and had a wonderful lesson. And who showed up to the Conference? The Gogo (Grandma) and the mother and a kid from that famliy! IT was awesome! Then also on Saturday, we visited the boys we were teaching and met Gamu, thier sister who was really interested in wanted to hear the message but was never there. We taught and invited them as well. And Dylan and Gamu came to the Conference as well! It was super awesome! Truly a miracle since before this week we have been struggling with even 1 or 2 attending church, but not only did we have 6 that Sunday, but they all paid for their own transportation, or put in the sacrifice to walk to the stake center! Made my week!
Exchanges with Tshisekedi
Lastly on Wednesday we went on exchanges, and I was with Elder Tshisekedi from DRC. It was sweet to work with him. He being still fresh in the feild and still learning English. But he still teaches very well and his English is amazing for the little time he has been out. But one miracle that happened... As we started the day out in Joshua, we were going to visit this Mama and her little kid. However she didn't really know English that well so we had a member help us out. We got there and first: She had 3 chairs set out with the Book of Mormon and pamphlets ready. That was already awesome! Then we sit down and the neighbor comes out, Courage. He asks if he can join our discussion and then told his story. He has met with Misisonaries before, knew about the Book of Mormon and went to church many times. He said that he was going to get baptized but then the missionaries just dissapeared! It was a miracle that we found him because he said he moved from that last area. Then as we were teaching more about the Book of Mormon he asks, "So how can I be baptized the proper way with one who has the authority! It was awesome! haha So we told him. And he is super excited to continue the lesson and continue his path to baptism. Miracles are happening in Kambuzuma!
Well I hope that all have had a great week!! I love you all!! Until Next Time!!
Elder Parco
Elder Parco
-Stake Conference!
-Stars are pretty cool
-Went up a mountian/hill Took some sweet pictures! Zimbabawe!! Lets go!
-More Stake Conference!
-Zone Conference!! (So many Conferences!)
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