Cramner: Bro. Cramner is doing quite amazing! He still has some time before he will be ready for baptism but his knowledge is increasing rapidly. Last visit Elder Carpenter and Elder Tshisekedi were able to visit him this Wednesday. (We were on exchanges) And from what I heard he has now finished the entire gospel principles book!!! That's insane. As well as when they were going to start teaching the wife the Restoration of the gospel they started teaching the first section, then Bro. Cramner jumps in and teaches the rest of the the message of the Restoration to his wife, all excitedly. haha
But him and his famliy is progressing very well. They also said they will be coming to church again this week! (They made a plan to slowly ween off their church they are going to) So that's awesome!
Sarah The last visit that we had with Sarah was powerful. We mainly just talked about what she thinks of the message and a little about the Book of Mormon. She said she went over the first chapter of 1 Nephi, but she was practicing it with speaking in different accents for a competition that her school was holding of who can give the best certain accents. So she started reading the Book of Mormon in a black American accent, Southern accent, Indian accent, then tried to do a Spainard accent. haha it was hilarious. Her Black American accent and her Indian accent was spot on! But we asked her about the message, and she said, "I believe it is true." Then she told us the story how she told her brother that she thought it was true and her brother kinda railed her how she shouldn't be studying these new materials like this. But for her she said that she was going to study it and see what she can learn from it. It was awesome!
Nobert Lastly Nobert. We were able to meet with him this Saturday. We went over the Gospel of Jesus Chrsit and invited him to baptism. And he accepted! Then we also asked him what he thought about all this. He then told us that he has read all of 2 Nephi and was now reading 3rd Nephi! haha He said he wanted to read all the Nephi's before the other books. Then we explained how 3rd Nephi and 2nd Nephi were two different Nephi's at different times. Then he said, "Yeah I realized that." haha But it's awesome how much he has read.
Book of Mormon Class
This last week we started a Book of Mormon class on Thursdays, for the branch as well as investigators. But our main focus was to help encourage less actives. And the one topic all seem to be interested in is the Book of Mormon. Well this week we only had a recent convert and a young adult preparing for his mission. But it went well! Apparently word has spread more about his class and how good it was. So this week we told Bro. Cain, less active about this class and said next week we will be going over the first 10 chapters of the Book of Mormon. Well we visited him this Sunday and he already read 5 chapters! And gave us a synopsis of everything he read . And he is super excited for the class on Thursday. As well as other less actives seem to have an interest in the class as well. So we will see what will come out of this class!
Well I hope that everyone has a great week!! I love you all!!
Elder Parco
Pictures: haha not the best pictures this week
- Elder Carpenter made a boss dinner for everyone!
-HOw's the hat??
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