Monday, February 26, 2018

How God builds us

Baptism and Activity!
This Saturday was the baptism of Julius White. It was such a great experience to see him be baptized. He was so happy. As well two others were baptized that day. A boy in the Chidambe family who was 8! And another candidate of Elder Kabuya and Elder McDougal. (Pictures below) 
But as well as the baptism that day we planned an activity for our recent converts and investigators. And the attendance was really well. There was about 20 people who were recent converts and investigators that attended. 
But anyways for the event we planned to start off with the baptism, then we had a church tour for all of those who were still familiarizing themselves to the church. Then we watched the movie of the Restoration in the chapel. It was super powerful. Every time I watch that movie it makes me think how much sacrifice there was in order for the church to be restored. The saints and Joseph Smith went through so much just because of the testimonies they had about the Restoration.

How God Builds Us
Recently this week I read an article in an Ensign. It said something like. "When you jump with just your own weight, you can jump pretty high. But now add weight, and you can't jump as high. It's not because you have changed, but your circumstances have."
Then that got me thinking... this is the way God builds us. And the way I have seen it throughout my whole mission. 
If you want to increase your vertical or get "big" in the gym, then you will have to put heavy weights just below your max so you can grow stronger. This is how God builds us. He puts us in circumstances that can be hard, or burdens that may feel like more than we can carry. But through him we push through. And the harder we work, the easier the weight is, not because the circumstance is any easier, but that we have spiritually grown to lift more.
God puts us through things that can be hard, because it's the only way we grow. So that when the day comes when the weight is taken off, we will be able to soar into perfection. 

I love you all and hope that you have a wonderful week!! Until Next time!

Elder Parco

-Got this sweet Zimbabwe shirt!
-Went throuhg a feild took sweet pictures!

Monday, February 19, 2018

Powerful members of Zimbabwe

Bro White:
This week I just want to talk about this wonderful and powerful investigator that will be baptized this Saturday! Bro. White. He is by far a super powerful father. And his story is even more amazing! While we were teaching he told us his story. 2 years ago Bro. White had a serious injury/happenstance that cause him to be bound to a hospital bed for months. Left with only oxygen tubes to help support his life. During that time he went through lots of thinking. And decided that he wanted to change his life. As the weeks went on miraculously his health got better. He no longer used those oxygen tubes and his health went back to normal. And when he left that hospital. He was the only to come out of that place alive. 
Then he committed himself that he was going to find Jesus Christs church. He searched and joined and visited a couple of churches. But he couldn't find the one that seemed right. Then as he was walking along he saw two missionaries teaching this sister. (At the time it was Elder Larson and Elder Tshibangu) Then he went and asked if he could be taught. We continued the teaching and that very week he decided to come to church. And although other churches he went to he would stay for just an hour and leave. But this time he felt that he should stay. He did. And now he has felt that he has come to the right church. And this Saturday we are going to baptize this wonderful brother. 
I have seen this brother in just the space of 3 weeks change. He is so much more enlightened and has this peace inside of him now. 
I am so excited for this Saturday and when he shared with us this story. I was completely amazed! 

I know that this is the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. And that this gospel is here for the happiness and peace for us. I love this work!

I hope everyone had a great week this week! I love you all!!

Elder Parco

-Yep.. Got soaked again. 
-Bro. Muzinga He's awesome member!

Monday, February 12, 2018

Finding with Faith

Finding with Faith
I think that this week I am starting to learn the power that faith has. Because wow. Had two awesome experiences while we went out to go find.
So first on Wednesday, we had some free time in the day, so we decided to contact people. Well we pick a street and start walking down. Then the very first person we see is this guy selling some snacks at his house. We contact him. Just say a simple hello. Then before we even introduce ourselves, he's like I'll get you a seat so you can teach. Haha
We sit down and find out that he was a past investigator that the sisters used to teach. As well find out that he was progressing very well. Then he tells us that he plays piano at his church that he goes to. Thinking that's the reason why he may have stop progressing, he then says. "But right now I'm teaching another piano player so I can start going to your church. I think he will be ready to play in two week!" Haha it was awesome! So right now we are teaching Talent, and his friend who joined us. (who happens to be the one who taught Talent piano) It was a miracle.
Also on Sunday we set a goal that day that at such and such time. We are going to find a family! haha (And families with a mother and father are hard to find since most are single parents) So the time comes and I asked my companion "What section do you think this family is in?" He said Kuwadzana 2. So we go there and start walking this street. Then just walking for only a minute, I felt that we should check this house. We knock the door and the father in the house yells from inside, "Come in!" Haha So we just walk into the house. And there sitting in the room was a father, a mother, and their two kids. A miracle! And we ask to share a message and the father accepts. We teach and the father is super receptive with great questions. And we leave setting another appointment for next week. It was such an awesome experience. I wish I would have done this much earlier on my mission. haha Because great faith can cause miracles.
I hope that everyone had a wonderful week this week! Love you all!! Until Next time!
Elder Parco
Pictures! Hold your horses cause there's a lot! haha

-Well it rained this week... Alot!! haha
-We made a new friend! Jimmy!! This dog loves me. haha
-Helped a investigator wash her clothes! And got a lesson because of it! Service is the way to the heart! haah
-When you take over the Sisters house, you get cute umbrellas! haha

Monday, February 5, 2018

First week in Kuwadzana

First Successful Week in Kuwadzana!
This week has been absolutely great! First off it was real busy because we had to go to the training meetings and the language meetings on Thursday and Friday. But it was good. Haha But the first new week with Elder Tshibangu has been awesome! We have already seen so much success and the people here are great!

This Saturday we had the baptism of Talent, Media (the little one), And Vimbai. Even though I only got to know them for a week. They are such powerful people in the gospel. It was a wonderful baptismal service and the best part was after Vimbai was confirmed in church the next day. She went up and bore a powerful testimony on the fast and testimony Sunday! It was cool just to see how happy they were to be baptized.

Julius White
This week we also meet with a new investigator. Julius. And he was powerful! We taught the Restoration and he said that everything made sense. As well we invited him to church this Sunday and he came with his little daughter. And he enjoyed it very very much! It was so cool to see.

Also this week we contacted a man named Moses. Cool name. When he first met us he was a little hesitant. But the moment we started talking about the Restoration, his interest perked and started to ask great questions. Even in later visits. We visited the next time and he was asking questions about the Book of Mormon, even though we never mentioned it before. Then last visit. He gave us a prayer and prayed exactly how we teach it, even though we never taught him how to do that either. It was truly awesome to see. He is really interested in this gospel we have and is reading everything we give.

Well this first week has been awesome!! I hope everyone had a great week!! Until Next Time!

Elder Parco

-Elder Anderson!! He's my 10min away neighbor in Idaho!
-Elder Wheeler! Another Nieghbor in Idaho! haha 2 streets away!
-Elder Morrison. My Great Great Grandson.
-Elder Morrison and his Trainee Elder Mwamba from DRC.
My Great Great Grandson and my Great Great Great Grandson! haha
-Baptismal photos!! Awesome!
-And of course always getting a new haircut