This Saturday was the baptism of Julius White. It was such a great experience to see him be baptized. He was so happy. As well two others were baptized that day. A boy in the Chidambe family who was 8! And another candidate of Elder Kabuya and Elder McDougal. (Pictures below)
But as well as the baptism that day we planned an activity for our recent converts and investigators. And the attendance was really well. There was about 20 people who were recent converts and investigators that attended.
But anyways for the event we planned to start off with the baptism, then we had a church tour for all of those who were still familiarizing themselves to the church. Then we watched the movie of the Restoration in the chapel. It was super powerful. Every time I watch that movie it makes me think how much sacrifice there was in order for the church to be restored. The saints and Joseph Smith went through so much just because of the testimonies they had about the Restoration.
How God Builds Us
Recently this week I read an article in an Ensign. It said something like. "When you jump with just your own weight, you can jump pretty high. But now add weight, and you can't jump as high. It's not because you have changed, but your circumstances have."
Then that got me thinking... this is the way God builds us. And the way I have seen it throughout my whole mission.
If you want to increase your vertical or get "big" in the gym, then you will have to put heavy weights just below your max so you can grow stronger. This is how God builds us. He puts us in circumstances that can be hard, or burdens that may feel like more than we can carry. But through him we push through. And the harder we work, the easier the weight is, not because the circumstance is any easier, but that we have spiritually grown to lift more.
God puts us through things that can be hard, because it's the only way we grow. So that when the day comes when the weight is taken off, we will be able to soar into perfection.
God puts us through things that can be hard, because it's the only way we grow. So that when the day comes when the weight is taken off, we will be able to soar into perfection.
I love you all and hope that you have a wonderful week!! Until Next time!
Elder Parco
-Got this sweet Zimbabwe shirt!
-Went throuhg a feild took sweet pictures!