This week has been absolutely great! First off it was real busy because we had to go to the training meetings and the language meetings on Thursday and Friday. But it was good. Haha But the first new week with Elder Tshibangu has been awesome! We have already seen so much success and the people here are great!
This Saturday we had the baptism of Talent, Media (the little one), And Vimbai. Even though I only got to know them for a week. They are such powerful people in the gospel. It was a wonderful baptismal service and the best part was after Vimbai was confirmed in church the next day. She went up and bore a powerful testimony on the fast and testimony Sunday! It was cool just to see how happy they were to be baptized.
Julius White
This week we also meet with a new investigator. Julius. And he was powerful! We taught the Restoration and he said that everything made sense. As well we invited him to church this Sunday and he came with his little daughter. And he enjoyed it very very much! It was so cool to see.
Also this week we contacted a man named Moses. Cool name. When he first met us he was a little hesitant. But the moment we started talking about the Restoration, his interest perked and started to ask great questions. Even in later visits. We visited the next time and he was asking questions about the Book of Mormon, even though we never mentioned it before. Then last visit. He gave us a prayer and prayed exactly how we teach it, even though we never taught him how to do that either. It was truly awesome to see. He is really interested in this gospel we have and is reading everything we give.
Well this first week has been awesome!! I hope everyone had a great week!! Until Next Time!
Elder Parco
-Elder Anderson!! He's my 10min away neighbor in Idaho!
-Elder Wheeler! Another Nieghbor in Idaho! haha 2 streets away!
-Elder Morrison. My Great Great Grandson.
-Elder Morrison and his Trainee Elder Mwamba from DRC.
My Great Great Grandson and my Great Great Great Grandson! haha
-Baptismal photos!! Awesome!
-And of course always getting a new haircut
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