Monday, February 19, 2018

Powerful members of Zimbabwe

Bro White:
This week I just want to talk about this wonderful and powerful investigator that will be baptized this Saturday! Bro. White. He is by far a super powerful father. And his story is even more amazing! While we were teaching he told us his story. 2 years ago Bro. White had a serious injury/happenstance that cause him to be bound to a hospital bed for months. Left with only oxygen tubes to help support his life. During that time he went through lots of thinking. And decided that he wanted to change his life. As the weeks went on miraculously his health got better. He no longer used those oxygen tubes and his health went back to normal. And when he left that hospital. He was the only to come out of that place alive. 
Then he committed himself that he was going to find Jesus Christs church. He searched and joined and visited a couple of churches. But he couldn't find the one that seemed right. Then as he was walking along he saw two missionaries teaching this sister. (At the time it was Elder Larson and Elder Tshibangu) Then he went and asked if he could be taught. We continued the teaching and that very week he decided to come to church. And although other churches he went to he would stay for just an hour and leave. But this time he felt that he should stay. He did. And now he has felt that he has come to the right church. And this Saturday we are going to baptize this wonderful brother. 
I have seen this brother in just the space of 3 weeks change. He is so much more enlightened and has this peace inside of him now. 
I am so excited for this Saturday and when he shared with us this story. I was completely amazed! 

I know that this is the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. And that this gospel is here for the happiness and peace for us. I love this work!

I hope everyone had a great week this week! I love you all!!

Elder Parco

-Yep.. Got soaked again. 
-Bro. Muzinga He's awesome member!

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