Monday, August 15, 2016

2nd week!

Dinoziva kuti churche chokwadi! (I know the church is true)
Im so blessed to be in Africa!
 It's very very cool and love the area that I am serving in!
So a little about the culture and my area again.. haha so with the kids I litterally feel like a famous person or something because seriously all of them say "How are you!" And they called me a "Murugu" which means "White man" Even though in America I wouldn't be considered as white. But I laugh to myself every time that happens. Also the food that most of the people eat here is called Sadsa and everyone cooks over an open fire. Also this email may seem like I'm in the middle of nowhere but I'm not, I have the best of both worlds, because we have little shops next to our area and if we want more variety of food we take a tranport to town where they have grocery stores there. So life isn't so bad.
Week in General:
So to start off my companion came back Tuesday! It was really nice to have him back because I had no idea where my area was and what the boundries were, I was so lost, but thankfully I just went with the other comapnionship Elder Ray and Elder Ambanya to teach with them. But this week was very busy because we had to catch up on all of the lessons that we mised the days that Elder Luvuno was gone. But it was also very nice! We were pretty much filled every day. Also we had 5 people who had baptism dates that weekend but Ill get to that part later.
So the language is slowly getting better, but in comparison I actually am learning it quite fast! It's definately a miricle that I am able to pick up all the words that I have because Spanish class never went so well for me! I now know enough to greet people and to say goodbye and have picked up some gospel words such as "Namata" which means pray and "Mwari" Which is God. But so far it is going well, but I still have a long way to go!
Saturday was definately a special day because well, we had so many baptisms. Me and Elder Luvuno had 5 investigators that were baptized and Elder Ray and Elder Ambanya had 7 people! So in total 12 people were baptized!! It was so cool! And I got to opportunity to baptize that day! But something cool that also happened was that we held a wedding right before the baptism! It was so cool! Right after they got married they got baptized! It was so unreal to me. And also one of those people who I mentioned before was Bro. Prosper! His testimony in the church is so strong! And he really wants to go on a mission as well! That makes it even cooler!
Also that day was very tiring because after the baptisms we headed straight to Kingston which is an hour walk, but we booked it there because we were running out of sunlight! And man was I tired! But we had amazing lessons with the people we taught and we were just filled with joy that whole day! It was amazing! The spirit was definately prominate in that journey.
Well that is all of the excting things that happened! I hope next week It'll be even more exciting! I love you all and stay well! Musare Zvakanaka!!

District: So one of these is my district in the MTC! They were pretty cool!
Mines: We climbed these pyramid mine things for P-Day
Rugby: This is part of our MTC Group playing out some good ole Rugby
Spider: So this is when me and Elder Ambanya cleaned the kitchen! Haha we jumped so many times!!! and especially Ambanya but don't let him  know that I told him! It was definately one of the funner nights! haha we found like 12 spiders!!
And lastly.... Ryan Sleeps still continues... this was today before we left for the pyramids!...

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