So before I start off with this letter I am just going to answer some questions and write about what my mission life is like.
So first off yes I do happen to wash my clothes by hand which really isn't bad at all! Elder Ambanya, one of the Elders that we live with is from Kenya and he basically taught me how to wash my clothes efficiently and effectively so I'm starting to get the hang of it! And it takes about an hour or so to wash the clothes. And also no we don't have a maid... but our mission president decided that all of our apartments in Bindura are dirty so yeah I guess we have maid then cause on the 28th people are coming in to clean our apartment.. so yes no...
And walking.. if we are not teaching we are basically walking, our area is huge! Half of our area is far away where there are like villages and dirt paths to get to them so yeah we walk a lotEpecially when we plan a day to go to Kingston, it is about a hour walk just there.
And most of the day we are teaching, but if we don't have anything really going on, we visit recent converts or less actives and if we don't have any planned for that then we contact... but usually people here are very inviting and don't have much time schedules so we can usually find someone to teach at the time or to check up on. But yeah it is very nice actually.
And also I found out that our area is mostly Shona since we go to the villages and yeah I do have opportunities to teach because if we don't go to Kingston then most people can understand English so I just have to talk slower so they can understand, because even if I were to talk to someone that knows English very well and I talk my usual way, they still wouldn't understand me... so our mission president always says speak in Zimbabwe English.
So this week! Man I can say that so many cool experiences happened! It was so crazy! And most of these are experiences I put in my journal, so it's about to get personal!
Wednesday: Ups and Downs
Man today was definitely the epitamy of missionary work! Both ups and downs, but to start of We had a good discussion with Bro. Stalling!.. But then we lost an investigator!... Bro. M. It was so hard! So Bro. M, all he was looking for was a way he could be healed from his sickness because he was diagnosed with HIV and it has been deeply affecting his life..It was very sad, the whole time I was thinking, "THE GOSPEL WILL HELP YOU AND CHRIST KNOWS WHAT YOUR GOING THROUGH!" And Apparently that thought wasn't enough for him, he has such high motivation to be healed from his sickness that instant! And another pastor was telling him that he will be healed if he goes to their church. It was a bit frustrating because well.. how do you answer him?? The best that I could do was to bare my testimony about the truth of how God helps us through our struggles and that he can help you through yours. But after that I had nothing else to say.. I just pray that he will come back to investigate the church because I know for a fact that he felt the spirit in that discussion.. And also just to add on to the disapointment, we met with Sister Juju and she was saying that the government was forcing thier whole community to move to an undeclared destination so they can start farming... man "pakaiba" "Life is hard" So to pile it on, we also had that experience. But here is the great thing about missions, it has it's downs, but it also has its ups! And to start off... I had some good fruit! They call it something like bo bo and it is kinda like cantalope but less sweet and, well IDK how to descrbe it you would just have to try it! Anyways that was some good comfort food after the down. But TODAY WE HAD A MIRACLE! So before we headed on our journey home, we were trying to find out where a boy named Casper lived, so we talked to someone that was outside thier hut and we met an older man named Bro. S! We talked and told hime that we were going to share a message but then he stopped us and said something like, "I know you guys. I used to be in your church!" Then he continued saying hw was a member back in the 1980 and he bore his testimony about Joseph Smith and the church being true, but he didn't go to church because he moved from Harare and went to another church with him family and didn't know that our church was here. It was an absolute miracle that we met him! And to top it all off.. Bro Casper randomly showed up so we then taught him a lesson. A double miracle! Then Sister Pene showed up while we were walking back! It just comes to show that in the Lords work there is no such thing as coincidences! Haha then we got home and Ambabnya bought a road runner.... or otherwords... A LIVE CHICKEN! haha it was a crazy day!
Thursday: Remember the Happy Girl
So I don't know what it was but today I was in a bit of a down mood. Idk if I was frustrated or what but all I know is that I didn't want to talk or feel like doing anything that day. I mean we had good lessons and had a great discussion with the Simbas and Bro. Matthew but something just wan't there. So bummer mood right? But then something happened... As we were visiting with the less actives or going around to people to teach, we stopped at Sister Moyo who is an investigator and always loves when we stop by. But while we were talking to her concerns, a customer stopped by. (Since Sister Moyo sells firewood) a boy and a girl. And it was that girl that made the difference in my day. (haha) She cam with an ear to ear smile greeting all of us with such a joyful gleem to her and she had a short conversation just being so happy and positive and commenting on how we were doing Gods work. And it reminded me of something... It reminded me of the joy I should be having in my life, and her example reminded me of the kind of missionary that I wanted to be. It reminded me of who I can be and the potential that I have. That girl lifeted up my spirits that day and in my eyes she was an angel to me. She showed me and reminded me what I wanted to be in life. Now everytime that I am in a down mood, I'm just going to think "Remember the Happy Girl"
Today/Monday: Our Hiking adventure!
So right now I am pretty exhausted! Cause well we went on a hike today! Up a mountain!! Now it was a smalller mountain but it was a 2 hour walk just to get to the bottom of it and 1 hour up!! So it was going to be 6 hours total! But yeah It was such a beautiful sight! And I got some great pictures of the trip!! Also note... I only had one water bottle and by the time we got to the top, it was gone. But anyways on the way down we met this family that lived just on the bottom of the mountain and they were so nice! (Also have a picture) But anyways we were headed back from our long journey so far and we really didn't know where we were going...We were on the right path but somehow we got off... And at this time Elder Ambanya and Elder Ray wanted to meet us somewhere so they could drive us back. And also note, all of the roads here are dirt and have many bumps and potholes. So I was with Elder Luvuno, Elder Elder (yes) Bro Prosper and Elder Sakala. And well we took a wrong turn... so we kept finding people to ask for directions. And well finally we didn't really know where we were but we finally saw the town in the distance so we decided to walk there... arcross a feild with no path. And heres the miricle.. cause right when we got to this dirt road Elder Ambanya and Elder Ray were there with the car! It was so incredible! They said they just stopped because they were trying to figure out where they were and was wondering if they needed to take a right or a left! It was so amazing cause man did I need water and was I tired!
Well that Is all the adventures that happened this week! I love you all!
Elder Parco
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