Another Week of Baptisms!
Hey I hope everything is going well back home!
So before I start,
Fun Fact of the Week!! Juggling:
So recently I have been trying to teach myself to juggle, since on the way to Kingston and Porter is about an hour walk on dirt paths, so I have some time... and decided to us some of that time to juggle! Haha But anyways I have improved so much now haha I can almost juggle three. Cool thing about this though is that I thought in my life I would never be able to juggle and now with a bit of patience persistence and practice, I now have hope haha It just proves that nothing is impossible if you put enough work in it!
Anyways for the week!
So today we actually spent most of the day contacting! Our area is huge so we decided to contact in this area called Chipindura! We met some cool people there and it was actually quite of a success! We taught a couple of lessons and had some return appointments!
So today we met with Tinoasha (Don't know how to spell it..) But he was one of the people we found yesterday! He had quite a bit of questions for us like "Is there life after this one?" So we obviously taught about the Plan of Salvation! It was such a good discussion! After that we went to Porter and found out contunuing bad news that the community had to move out by Saturday... It was very sad to hear that. also on another note, while we were there in Porter we were walking and heard this buzz coming our way, then I saw the people we were with get down on their knees! And good thing I fololowed suit because this huge swarm of bees past over our heads! It was actually kinda cool! haha
Today we met this guy named Jimmy... Haha and boy did he love to talk! But we had such a great discussion and I bore my testimony that was so strong! You could definately feel the spirit! Haha after about an hour we set up an appointment with him for
next Tuesday! Also going to note, people think I look older here, like 23! (But only if I'm in my mission attire) Haha and I'm fine with that... But just saying also love it here cause people think I'm 23 instead of 16
So yeah this day we basically interviewed the whole day because our zone had so many baptisms and my companion is the district leader, but you know that's always a good problem.
So today was the day that we had all of our baptisms! Elder Luvuno and I had 4 people to baptize, sadly though two couldn't get baptized that day because of the whole situation of moving out, but I'm sure they will be baptized! So we had 4 baptisms and Elder Ray and Ambanya (also in our ward for missionaries) had 12 that day! So 16 people! It was awesome! I baptized 8 people that day and it was such an amazing experience! But the sad part about that day was later we went to Porter/Kingston and it was so sad to see how empty it was. Most of the people left by that time and the only ones there that could stay were people that had offical documents of proof that they could stay.. yeah pakaiba... (Hard life)
So something awesome and scary happened today!! So 3rd hour it was the beginning of the class and one of the presidency just hands me a talk about bringing in less actives and nonmembers to the fold.. So I didn't know what was going on so I started reading. After only reading the title the sub title and the first two paragraphs, like 30 seconds worth I hear him say that Elder Parco will be giving the lesson for today! I was thinking, "What!?!" But today was proof that the spirit guides because I gave one of my best lesson that day and the spirit was so strong in the room! So yes through the spirit I did just give a 40 minute lesson with only 30 seconds of preperation! It was cool!
Monday (Today):
So this cool experience just happened! When I was waiting for a computer to be available outside the internet place, there was this group of men just sitting outside and one called me over and asked what my name was and I told him and also said that I was a missionary and we share the gospel, then he was like,"So why aren't you sharing right now?" So I taught them the Gospel of Christ and we had a great discussion and the guy seemed genuinely interested and I got his number and information and invited him to church! It was such a cool experience! haha and I didn't feel scared at all! Man what an awesome experience to happen!
Well that was my week! I hope everything is going well and I love you all!!!
Elder Parco
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