A week of Faith!
I missed the Solar Eclipse!!
So yeah! To start off, I missed a solar eclipse that happened on Thursday!! (When the moon covers the sun) We must of been inside or something to miss it!!! Man that will never happen again in life! But apparently this solar eclipse was unknown because it came to a surprise to everyone! Usually if one were to happen people know days before but this just came out of surprise! But oh well, Just something you can learn in life.. Don't always be looking at your feet, Look up!
The Piano Man:
So when I first came here, I thought I wouldn't be playing piano because well... there is only one piano in like all of Bindura area! haha which is a pretty big area. But this weekend was special, it was conference weekend. (where all of the lds churches from around the area gather for a meeting in one area) So yeah President ask me to play the piano on Sunday! And well I accepted under a condition, if I could practice. Which I was able to, but it was hard because the piano they had didn't work so they had to buy a new one! haha And also note: this would be the first time that I actually have played the piano for a church congregation. And this congregation was way bigger since all the wards around the area was there! But yeah definately had to have faith! When Sunday rolled around though I did great! And it was really good! Although people in the back said they couldn't really hear it much ( But i'm fine with that) I was truly blessed though! And it was nice to play again.
So Besides the playing Conference was really good!
On Saturday there was a talk about power and the priesthood and they showed a video on it. It talked about that power through God can only be used through righteousness. And it compared it to power like in power lines, if you don't have righteousness in your life then the connection breaks and you can't use that power. And things that can break the power can be unrighteous dominion, pride, and sins. It was a good reminder of how the power of God works and how it can be used.
On Sunday here are a few things that I liked to note:
President Mhkabela spoke and he gave some great words on sacrifice. There is this quite from Joseph Smith that states something like "A religion that does not require a sacrifice of all things will never allow us to have faith" And when I thought about it, it's so true! Sacrifice has to be made in order for our faith to grow. If there was no sacrifice then we wouldn't need much faith in things. Then he spoke about this elderly man who wanted to join the LDS church so he walked 4 hours to a town just to find it. There one of the church members told him of a LDS church that was closer to him. He later was baptized, and President when he was a bishop would always find this man sitting outside of the church before and after Mhkabela left. And one day he asked this man why he was sitting outside the church after church was well over with, and he said that he was sitting on this bench to regain his strength before his 1 hour journey back home. It was such a sacrifice for him, and about 12 months or so down the road this man wanted to go into the temple and he did. And 3 months after he went through he died. It was such a touching story of sacrifice and what he did just to be able to go to church. It should be an example to all of us of the sacrifice we must give in this life.
Also something else that I wrote down is this: It relates to service
"It doesn't matter WHERE you are called to serve but HOW you serve"
These talks really helped me during this week and it was so nice to hear those talks. The spirit was strong that day!
Well I hope everything is going well back home, I love you all!!
Elder Parco
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