Monday, September 19, 2016

Buckets Buckets Buckets

Oh Buckets!!

It all started on Tuesday morning September 13th…  It was a normal day in our apartment. Elder Ray just got out of the shower. And I was ready to take mine. I go into the bathroom to turn on the shower, water starts running. Then right as I was about to take a step into the shower… the water starts slowing down, then drips, and then finally stops… I was like what?!? Literally right when I was about to get wet the shower just stopped! Pakaipa! I checked the water pump and realized that the electricity was out… So buckets!! That is what I had to resort to, buckets! It wasn’t really that bad at all actually. And with the power, we found out that our electricity bill ran out and we didn’t get it back until two days later, meaning buckets, buckets and more buckets! But it was all good because we had running water outside of the house that we would fill the buckets up with. And for cooking we had a gas stove. So Thursday we got the power back so everything was normal. But then Saturday came along. This time I just got water from the faucet to drink, meaning power works, then I enter into the shower , turn it on, then right as I take a step in… it stops again! Our power didn’t run out this time but there was a power outage in the neighborhood! Haha I was like Again!?! So yes back to buckets. Lol but this experience definitely made me so grateful for the electricity that we have in our house! A lot of people don’t live with it and man does it make life harder. Also during the week we talked to a member about their mission and I learned that Zimbabwe has it nice. There are other countries in West Africa that aren’t so lucky. It might sound weird but from the talk it made me so blessed to be in the country of Zimbabwe! Also from the lack of electricity gave me a great idea. Since I was able to see how dark it was in the house… meaning pitch black dark, I came up with a “brilliant” idea of playing a game of hide in seek! Haha the four of us in our apartment played it Friday night for like 20-30 minutes before bed and man was that fun! We were basically walking around blind looking for people. Then afterwards we celebrated my companion Elder Luvuno’s birthday and had cake! So it was a good night!


I also just wanted to share this awesome progression from one of our investigators. There is this guy named Godknows who is about 17 years old and man he is really progressing. We had a visit with him to review the Restoration message with him, since we didn’t finish it with him last time. But last visit we told him to read the rest and we would follow up! And man did he read! He understood everything and basically taught us the restoration! It was awesome! Then we went into the Book of Mormon and taught about what it was about. The spirit was very strong in the discussion and could feel it throughout! It was very powerful. After we were done explaining what the Book of Mormon was, Godknows said, before we even said anything, “I want to read that book!” IT was such a Miracle!! He is so ready for the gospel! And I am so happy for him! So Sarturday we gave him a copy of the Book of Mormon, after we had a game of soccer with some members and investigators, which was awesome and fun but hot!!!! And on Sunday he showed up to church and afterwards he said that he really really liked church and would be there the next following weeks! He definitely is a perfect investigator. It comes to show that people truly are ready for the gospel, and all they needed to do was find it! God knows his children!! This experience really strengthened my testimony of the truthfulness of the church. Missionary work is amazing and I’m looking forward to the future!

Sunday! Sep 18th

Today was church day! And also my birthday! Haha So this weekend we really celebrated a lot! But I would say that today was even a miracle. So to start off, that morning I wasn’t feeling well at all… I felt very queasy and super weak, and later had a fever, but at least I didn’t throw up this time… Oh which reminds me, I was sick like over a month ago but forgot to tell you. It was on a P-day so I decided to keep it on the down low. Then I forgot to mention it later. Sorry mom. Haha But at least both of these sicknesses only lasted for a day. But anyways I was at church and had like no energy. And it so happened that this very day I helped out a lot at church, but it was all worth it. So 2nd hour of church I was invited to share to the Primary children about missionary work and the blessings that come from it, but before that , without having any prior knowledge beforehand, I was asked to help teach the primary kids a song! Haha so I sang the song all the way through alone then had all the kids join! It was actually very fun! Then 3rd hour, in the middle I helped give a blessing to a mother’s child. And After church I taught a lesson to some of our investigators that came. Then the most tiring part! Since Sister Masasu knew beforehand of my singing skills, (which is why she asked me to sing the primary song since she is the Primary teacher) She asked me if I could help the Relief Society sing this song for a district competition that was going on between the different branches. So I helped them sing hymn #29 “A Poor Wavering Man of Grief” None of them really knew the tune, which was a part of the competition, (An unknown hymn to sing) So I got in front and sang the song for them and then continued singing the verses over and over again. Haha we went through it so many times, and at this point I was so weak and exhausted, I definitely almost passed out in front of them! But luckily I didn’t. So that was my super busy and tiring Sunday! It was the most tirest I have felt! And it was a miracle that I got through theSunday!
But I hope everyone is doing fantastic!! I love you all!!!
Elder Parco

1. Elder Odunga!! WHich is Elder Ray's new companion. He's hilarious
2. Post Soccer playing on Saturday! MAn was it hot!
3. Another one for Ryan Sleeps!! haha Man was I sick!

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