Monday, September 26, 2016

Mice eating and Malaria free!

So Wednesday we visited the triplets who we recently baptized! They are all super fun to be around and I always learn a bunch of Shona words from them! But communication can be a bit hard because they struggle a bit with English. But anyways we visited them at their house and they were so kind enough to serve us some sadsa and some scorched black meat. And I had no idea what this meat was, all I knew was that it was very chewy. So it was a little hard to eat, but with a help of a very sharp knife we were able to eat it. So after some of the unidentifiable meat, they offered us some more meat! Again it was scorched black to a crisp and I still really didn't know what it was. At first sight I thought it was like a leg of some bird or something. So with everyone watching me, I slowly but surely put the meat to my face and took a bite. And it wasn't so bad. It was actually pretty good. But after I took the first bite, one of the triplets said something like, "Make sure you don't eat the head" Then I looked down and realized that there actually was a head! SO I was eating the meat from the neck or something!! But I still didn't know what it was... maybe a bird or something. THen later on in the night we met with these awesome people and we sat down and talked to them. We got on the topic of food and asked if we have ever eaten Mbewa. And I was like no I don't think I have, but then Elder Luvuno my companion was like Yes!! And was nodding his head with wide eyes. Then he said that we just had it today! And I was like... wait we did!?! And he explained it was that one meat the triplets gave us. Then I asked what exactly was mbewa and I got my answer.. It's a mouse!! SO i just ate a mouse!!! Haha so that is officially the strangest thing I've eaten on the mission... although I still don't know what that first meat was... so that could be even stranger... let's just hope it was something normal. haha

So Saturday we had another day of baptisms which is always a great day! We baptized 8 people which was pretty awesome! Most of the people that we baptized were kids. And 2 of them are children to parents who also want to be baptized! But they just need to get married first. Since one of the problems in a lot of the African countries is being legally married. A lot of people don't get married because of something called Labola. (Or however you spell it) It's where you have to pay the wife's father a certain amount of money in order to marry. So people get married culturally and not legally because of it. But the great thing about these parents is that they want to be legally married and we are planning their wedding and their baptism! So that is pretty cool! But anyways the baptism went really well! I got to baptized again which is always cool! Also someone in the ward named Bret who is about 17 got to baptized as well! It was his first time baptizing and did pretty good! I always love baptism days cause well it just makes my day! It's such a great feeling to be able to see people come unto Christ and know that they are doing the right thing in life! Haha it's a great feeling.
Free Food:
So Tuesday a quick little story, we were by the shops and this one lady called us over who was cooking roasted maize (corn) and she gave us some for free! It was so nice of her. But apparently she has met with the missionaries before and wanted us to continue to teach her. It was so awesome! And that was the reason why she gave us free food as well! So that was pretty awesome! Also Thursday we went to our usual place where we buy grilled burgers and the people there said that we were loyal customers so they gave us free chips (fries)! SO that was cool too! haha

Good News!:
So Good news! I don't have malaria!! SO I might have been sick again yesterday, and I might of had a high fever of possibly up to 40 degrees Celsius, which might have caused me to go to the hospital. But if that did happen, it's all good because I'm recovering and am feeling a lot better today than I might have been yesterday. But anyways, they checked me for Malaria and when the test came back the lady with a smile was like, "So what do you think the results are" And I was thinking, "Well sure hope not malaria" And then after an awkward pause of silence she said "You don't have malaria!" Haha I was like oh thats really good! So yeah I don't have malaria! Which is good! But also Sunday was yet another miracle because I did all of these things at church again and still had the energy and strength to do them. It wasn't until after church that the sickness hit me hard. And also the fact that with all the times that I have gotten sick they have been super quick recoveries which I am super thankful for! It just comes to show that the Lord is looking out for the missionaries because it is so unreal to me how fast my recoveries have been!
So I hope everyones week has been good! I love you all!!
Elder Parco

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