Monday, October 3, 2016

How the atonement can affect everyone

Hello everyone!! Before I start off with my adventures this week, I just wanted to say a few words...
So since I have been on my mission, I have learned quite a bit of things. One being that missions are hard. Hard can be such a general word, but in that 4 letter word there are so many circumstances and different situations that the word "hard" holds. I came into the mission thinking that I could handle any situation that came before me and that it wouldn't be so bad... haha but let me tell you, don't go into a mission thinking that! God knows how to humble all. And that's what I wanted to share. You can't do the mission alone! It's impossible and it will be miserable. You can use the Atonement of Christ for more than just sin, it can be used to help you though hard times or difficulties in your life. That's what grace is, after all that you can do, Christ makes up the rest and I know this to be true, as long as you try your hardest with faith, Christ always makes up the rest, Always. There have been multiple experience where I have seen this happen and I know this principle to be true. SO whenever you are in a bit of a predicament or downfall, just remember that your buddy pal Christ is always there wanting to help.

Over the River And Through The Woods:
So on Wednesday we planned on going to a new area... far far far away. So do you remember that one hike that I talked about like a month ago, and how it took 2 hours to get to the bottom of the mountain, and how we met that really cool family at the bottom? Well yeah... we went there. So it was a bit more walking than normal but really it wasn't too bad, plus it's actually quite beautiful over there so that's a plus! Anyways so our initial plan was to go and see that family again at the bottom of the mountain. But on our way there we met so many people! After we crossed a shallow part of the river. These guys called us over and had questions about the gospel! They were really nice! And it was friends and family that surrounded us while we taught! About 8 of them! The oldest being around like 26. It was such a cool experience! Also we kept going and meeting new and more people! So that was a pretty cool day! haha Lot's of walking but it was worth it.

Shona: Slowly but Surely:
So my Shona is slowly but surely coming! There was a Less Active who one day gave me about 50 shona words! And it has been super nice! I've been studying the words and almost have all of them down in just a matter of days! So my plan is to continue asking for words and then memorizing them! I also found out that the more words I know, the more I can understand in a conversation! Haha I get so excited whenever I hear a word that I know! I hope that eventually I'll be able to understand what people are saying! Haha

Zone Conference:
So Tuesday we had a Zone conference! It was pretty cool! It was just our zone of 12 people and another zone of like 20 people haha! (I think that there are 6 zones total in the mission) But it was good! We learned about repentance and how our investigators truly need to change in order for them to be converted. We learning about how we can continue our teaching. Overall it was a good conference! Oh, and lunch was super nice!! Haha that's always a plus about these things!

So yes... besides juggling I have now learned how to whistle... a normal looking way! Haha And now trying to learn how to whistle with my fingers! This is also proof that anything is possible as long as you try hard enough at it! Haha might sound weird but this is seriously a major accomplishment in my life! The two things that I thought I would never be able to do in life are now accomplished! That deserves several pats on my back! Haha

So I hope everyone's week was just fantastic! I'll leave ya with some random pictures!

1. So this is a funny story. So Elder Odunga and Elder Ray just came back to the apartment, so we had to open the gate for them, so casually, I decided to take my camera with. haha and right when I opened the gate I took a picture, and this is the face Elder Odunga had when i opened it! Haha

2. Sweet shirts we got for the zone! Has my name on the back and #United Zone on the side!

3. Yeah... so still sleeping. Haha these past couple of days I keep passing out on my bed in funny positions... and seriously, I'm in that position until I wake up the next day

4. Still sleeping....

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