So... I am in Harare right now emailing because well.. transfers!! Haha it is actually really weird to see all these tall buildings and stores everywhere! I'm used to the small markets and dirt roads, and people selling snacks on the side of the roads. Definitely is different! And Everything is so much nicer here in Harare. It was also really cool to see all the other missionaries that are in the mission at the office house! And to see the missionaries that I came out with at the MTC, it was so nice to catch up on things and talk to each other! But besides that, I bet you are all wondering where I am going with transfers....
Elder Parco is Training?
So I am going to be staying in Bindura!! Which is awesome because I love that place and the people there! Oh and also another thing, I AM GOING TO BE TRAINING! Which is so.... well many emotions. haha I am super excited but at the same time super nervous! I still feel like I'm being trained and hardly have a clue of what I am supposed to do! There is still so much more for me to learn on the mission. I know that it will not be easy, but I also know that Heavenly Father will help me through the way! So for these next few days, (probably untilWednesday) I will be in Harare learning how to train and picking up my fresh, new, greene, coming straight out of the MTC! My companions name is Elder Young, and supposedly he is from Australia and Tongan! So that's just awesome! Can't wait to meet him and I'll for sure send pictures next week!
Highlights of the Week
So this week there was some pretty cool things that happened! But first we always have to start with the topic of food!
For this week I had a first of eating a.... Goat! Or at least I think it is a first! But it was pretty good meat and surprisingly we finished all the meat! I think the coolest part about it though was that we bought the goat live! Then we had to butcher it! Except obviously we didn't do that part! But it was pretty sweet! Haha next we want to try some crocodile!
So Saturday we had two baptisms! It was so cool! We had to do it at the chapel at the town since we didn't have water at our meeting house! But it was good! We combined with some other Elder's in our district so everything worked out! Also before the baptism there was a wedding of one of the Elder's investigators! It was cool! And after the weddings we had baptisms. Saturday'sare always so great whenever we have baptisms! Makes my day!
Lowlights of the Week
Sadly this week, our usual investigators didn't show up to church. We only had 1 show up. It was a sad moment to see. But on the bright side that one is really progressing well! She has gone to church twice now! And she seems really interested in the church! Also, even thought they didn't show up to church this week, we have investigators who are also progressing very well! The part that makes me a bit nervous though is that we have 4 mothers who are progressing but need to be married before they can get baptized. So that means we could be planning up to 4 weddings!! Ahh pakaiba! But hey maybe I could take a job of a wedding planner when I get home!
Another sad part about this week... transfers. Elder Ray and Elder Luvuno (my beloved companion) will be leaving this week! They are both going to the Harare East Zone! It's sad to see them go because I have been with them for a good 3 months! (Crazy I have been out for 3 months!) But I am sure they will do amazing in their new areas! But I will miss them! On the bright side, we might see them in the next zone conference which will be coming up soon!
Well I hope that everyone had a great week this week! I'll obviously keep you updated on my mission adventures! Love you all!
Elder Parco
1. We got a flat tire on our way to Harare! Man Adventures!
2.So this week is the Peterson's last week as couple missionaries in the office! They are so sweet and am going to miss their sweets!
3. Some awesome people in our ward!
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