Monday, October 17, 2016

A week of physical and spiritual feasting

How is everyone doing? I hope all is going well at home.
 So transfers are going to be next week, I think there is a really good chance of me staying in the area since I will be getting out of training, but who knows! Anything could happen, So that means, there is a possibility that next week I won't have as much time to email, but we will see!
BUT... to start off with this week's adventures...

Update on the Cow feast:
So first off I want to thank the Mukuiera family for preparing the meat and allowing all the Elders for coming over for a huge feast! Haha they are so awesome! When we got there they had a table and chairs set up outside with cups and forks and everything! It was sooooo nice of them and they are seriously the coolest family in Bindura. And the meat was real good! Except the whole time I didn't know what part of the head I was eating. The skin is really chewy, but Elder Williams got the mouth/cheek part of the cow and gave some of that to me and that I would say was the best part of the cow! Also we had the cow legs that same day. So basically I was so stuffed after the meal that I couldn't even bend over! But might I just add, I think I ate the most meat out of everyone! haha My favorite part of the whole night was when Elder Williams and Elder Mshungu were both laying on the ground from their bellies on the brink of explosion, and then Elder Sakala stands up with a determined voice and says, "So where's the Bathroom?" Haha just the way he said it made it so hilarious, and the thing is... there was no bathroom. It was definitely a great night!
Spiritual Experiences:
This week I felt like I had some good spiritual experiences. It was just so awesome! It's being able to feel the spirit in your teaching that makes missionary work so great!
So to start of, Tuesday we taught an investigator named Joseph. Last Sunday he went to church just to see what our church was like! It was so awesome! And it we were watching General Conference at that time, so even better! But anyways in our first lesson with him we taught him about the Love that God has for him and how the gospel blesses families! And might I just say, the spirit was so strong throughout the entire lesson. I could feel God's love just blooming throughout! He was also super engaged and I could tell he was feeling the spirit as well!
On Thursday, we met with one of our investigators who was ready for baptism and found out a major problem that was happening upon the topic of marriage. Let's just say that it left us in a pretty bummer mood, especially my companion. It was super hard for him to hear the news. So we were walking around just feeling gloomy and I had this prompting to go and visit Sister Tuli, and so I mentioned it to my companion and so we did! We got to her house and knocked on the gate, and she was there! And we ended up teaching a lesson about prayer and it went really well! It definitely lifted up our spirits that day, and it was the miracle we needed.
Saturday we went back to Sister Tuli's to give her a book of Mormon, and when we got there she wasn't there. We waited a bit and then her neighbor told us that she went to the shops and will be back in about 5 minutes. But I had the thought to share with her the message of the Book of Mormon. So I did. But when we started talking we found out that she had met with the missionaries a long time back and she was interested in the church! It was amazing! So we invited her to church after a short message about the book. We ended up waiting a bit longer for Tuli and then her husband showed up! And we talked to him and left the book with him to give to her. It was such a cool experience!
So to start off, another Sunday miracle!!! We had 11 investigators come to church!! and about 8 of them were the same from last week! So that is something incredible! Then after church I got to teach one of our investigators, Tinashe! We taught about the Restoration and about Joseph Smith restoring the church! It was a powerful lesson and at the end, he offered the prayer, and it was beautiful! In it he mentioned thanking God for being able to find this church. It left me in such a happy mood!!!
I wanted to end off by my testimony of the Holy Ghost (spirit). I know that the spirit comforts, warns, and guides you in times of need. Promptings from the spirit are real and directed by God. I like to think of it in this way: God wants us to do good so he tells us through the spirit what good we need to do in that moment. If we are listening and act on the prompting, then God will trust us more and keep sending more and more promptings. Sometimes we think to ourselves, "Was that me or was that the Spirit" But I think I have come to realize that if it is in any way, shape, or form a good thought, then it has to be from God. He wants us to do good and to help others. That is what Christ did. If we continue to follow the spirit and do good, then we will naturally become more  like Christ, we will want to do good deeds without a second thought and we will love everyone around us. That is something that I am looking forward to developing, a love for all, because after all, that is the greatest commandment that Jesus gave.
So I love you all! And hope your weeks were great!
Elder Parco

Pictures: ( So these mostly involve food don't know why...)
IMG 3049- This is what we devoured of the Cow head and legs! It was really good and really really filling!
IMG 3054- So proud of this food that me and my companion Elder Luvuno made! Literally what you see there is all that we had left in the house, no joke!
IMG 3115- So I got stuck in a well.... haha Mukuiera family is digging a well and so we had a contest of who could get out the fastest!
IMG 3124- Sunday night we brie some chicken, beef, and sausage!
Man was this week good for food!

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