So a couple this about Kingston, First off, we are having some good sucess there! Across the river was a big hit! Haha I'm mean mostly for one family but yeah the work is going great there! We taught Sister Casper the other day about the Plan of Salvation and it was good! Haha the spirit was there and everything and she seems genuinely interested in the message that we have to share!
Ok so now for the scary part.... So something about the area of Kingston is that most people there don't know English. So my companion Elder Luvuno knows Shona really well which is awesome because it opens our pool of teaching, and he is also an amazing teacher. So here's the problem I realized... Transfers are in 2 weeks, and if I stay in this area, (which chances are higher since I'll just be getting out of training,) Then I would have to teach the people in Kingston knowing little Shona.. Ahh haha but hopefully best case I'll have a new companion who also knows Shona. But if not, I'll need a lot of faith.
And for a story:
So we were walking back from Kingston and we saw these 4 Donkeys just casually roaming around. Well these Donkeys weren't on the best terms, so they started fighting each other! It was pretty entertaining! Haha one would run at the other with it's snarl showing it's teeth and the one in front would try to kick it's back legs at the other one! So Don't know why I found that so entertaining but it was cool! Haha just to let you guys know
General Conference:
So a couple this about Kingston, First off, we are having some good sucess there! Across the river was a big hit! Haha I'm mean mostly for one family but yeah the work is going great there! We taught Sister Casper the other day about the Plan of Salvation and it was good! Haha the spirit was there and everything and she seems genuinely interested in the message that we have to share!
Ok so now for the scary part.... So something about the area of Kingston is that most people there don't know English. So my companion Elder Luvuno knows Shona really well which is awesome because it opens our pool of teaching, and he is also an amazing teacher. So here's the problem I realized... Transfers are in 2 weeks, and if I stay in this area, (which chances are higher since I'll just be getting out of training,) Then I would have to teach the people in Kingston knowing little Shona.. Ahh haha but hopefully best case I'll have a new companion who also knows Shona. But if not, I'll need a lot of faith.
And for a story:
So we were walking back from Kingston and we saw these 4 Donkeys just casually roaming around. Well these Donkeys weren't on the best terms, so they started fighting each other! It was pretty entertaining! Haha one would run at the other with it's snarl showing it's teeth and the one in front would try to kick it's back legs at the other one! So Don't know why I found that so entertaining but it was cool! Haha just to let you guys know
General Conference:
So General Conference was ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!! Since we are about a 8 hour time difference form the states, we watched Conference the week after! I loved Kazuhiko Yamashita talk to "Be Ambitious to Christ" There was a story of this missionary named Elder Cowen who was called to serve in a Japan mission, where it was mostly biking. However when he was biking his prosthetic leg would keep breaking. And from it caused him much pain. But Elder Cowen persisted and didn't complain about the hardships that he was having with his leg. In short his mission president called him up and said that he needed to reassign him to a new mission. And my favorite part of the story is this: (Straight from the talk)
During my final interview with him, I asked him this question: “Elder Cowan, did you request on your missionary application to be sent to a mission where you would not have to ride a bike?”
He said, “Yes, President, I did.”
I responded, “Elder Cowan, you were called to the Japan Nagoya Mission, where you would have to ride a bike. Did you tell this to your stake president?”
I was surprised by his answer. He said, “No, I didn’t. I determined that if that is where the Lord called me, I would go to the gym and train my body to be able to ride a bike.”
At the conclusion of our interview, he asked me this question with tears in his eyes: “President Yamashita, why did I come to Japan? Why am I here?”
I answered him without hesitation: “Elder Cowan, I know one reason you came here. You came here for my benefit. I have come to understand what a great young man I have been serving with. I am blessed to know you.”
I Loved this talk because it reminded me of the purpose of why I am on a mission. It isn't for me, it's for Christ. And we need to be ambitious in the work for him and have the same determination as Elder Cowen had in his mission.
Sunday session was also really good, but the most exciting part about Sunday was we had 10 investigators show up to church!! It was an absolute MIRACLE! We had a lot of our investigators come and even had a member bring 3 others with him! IT was sooo cool! Just hope that they also enjoyed the conference session and that we can be able to continue to have successful teaching with them!
So by the time you read this, it'll will happen, but for now as my fingers are typing away at the keyboard, it hasn't. Haha hope that made sense... But anyways tonight we will be having a feast of.... (Drumroll Please) A Cow's head!!! I'm actually super excited for this! We also bought cow legs to eat sometime but I'm not sure if it will be tonight. So With the help of a lovely member cooking the meat, Bro. Mukiuera, we will be feasting tonight on parts of a cow I have not yet tasted! So yeah That will be cool! I'll take pictures and hopefully send them next week!
So that was my week! The work started out slow this week but now it is really picking up and I'm am getting excited!! Well I hope everyone had a wonderful week! I love you all!
Elder Parco
Image 2962:
Me and my comp rockin the Bindura Shirts! And also right before I get a haircut... They don't use scissors so it's all by razor, and the guy is pretty good at it!!
Image 2975:Me and my comp rockin the Bindura Shirts! And also right before I get a haircut... They don't use scissors so it's all by razor, and the guy is pretty good at it!!
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