This week was a week full of exchanges. Or at least two of the days.
On Wednesday we had exchanges with the zone leaders. I had the opportunity to go with Elder Robison. Who is a really cool guy. And might I add, tall. I learned a lot from him, knowing that no matter what happens in the day, just keep doing what's right and do what the Lord asks. Because that is what will bring you true success.
But there was this one part in the day... We finished teaching this young boy at his house, and we were about to leave, but then the mama offered us some sadsa. (harder tasteless mash potato substance made from maize that you eat with your hands) And we were like, "Alright, we have time for a little sadsa." So when she was finished cooking, she came out with sadsa, this weird yellow sauce, and then nothing else, but a single chicken foot, and chicken head! Then I gave Elder Robison a look of saying "How am I supposed to eat this?" But I managed, eating any meat that I could from the foot and head. The foot was chewy but the head wasn't bad at all. Just a little weird have it stare back at you when your eating it. And then we got to the eyes, I told Elder Robison, "I'll eat it if you eat it." So we did. haha But it was a good exchange and it was nice to meet new people and see a new area.
Also on Friday, I went on an exchange with Elder Mayett. He is from Kenya. And might I add, short. But we had a good time. We worked with this really cool member Bro. Jakarasi, (Who is good at basically everything) and he showed us so many people that he wanted us to see. Oh and he is only the best sharpshooter there is in town. But at the end of the day, we visited with Bro. Jakarasi's father, who went less active a long time ago. But when we were there he showed us this plastic bag full of little meat peices. And we ask What it was. Then he said it was crab. And showed us this huge crab head. He said that he would go to a place near the dam and catch all of these crabs with his hands! And this guy isn't young. He is in his older age. He gave us some peices of the meat and we tried it. It was really really good actually. Super good. So we asked if we could pay and take some home with us. We got a newspaper full of cooked meat and then some more uncooked meat. And it was good. Still have some now.
People are Ready
People are truly ready to hear the gospel. Just Sunday, we visited with these two boys who wanted to have a "bible study" but we gave them something a little different. haha We taught about the Restoration and they just said everything made sense. And the amazing part was when MacAlan didn't quite understand the message fully, Talent just comes in and explains the entire Restoration perfectly to his friend. And I mean perfectly! It was awesome! It really testified to me that people are really looking for the truth, even if they don't know themselves. The Restored gospel makes complete sense because it really is true. There are no loopholes, or mistakes in the gospel. It is perfect. Because a man didn't create this gospel, but only Jesus Christ himself.
I love you all and hope that you all have a great week! Until next time.
Elder Parco