Monday, March 20, 2017

Stop Monkeying around

Zone Conference And Interviews
This week we had Zone Conference! It was pretty good. We made the 2 hour drive down to Gweru to meet up with the other zones. It was a really nice conference. We got to see the broadcast for the mission presidents and it was really good. It also made me realize how much mission presidents have to do now. Interviews and Zone Conferences will now be every transfer, which is way more common than it used to be. But I also love the leadership training, how we should try to be a leader like how Jesus Christ was, and be one that can impact someones life forever. It was powerful. We also had interviews with President and that was very nice.

The Zone Leaders Perfect Referral
I would have to thank the zone leaders for meeting such a perfect investigator. They met him, taught the first lesson, and then handed him down to us since he lived in our area. And wow he is such a powerful investigator! His name is Tichauna and works at a gas filling place. He is such a relateable guy in his 20's and is a well known local artist for rapping and singing. He's pretty sweet! We met with him on Saturday and walked from his work place to his house. And he showed us some of his songs. And they are pretty good! I also told him that I play the trumpet and he said that he might be able to find me one so I can play it! So that will be cool! But we taught him more about the Book of Mormon and he just understands perfectly! It's so amazing! He believes the message and is so willing to give his life to God. It is awesome! Sometimes I wish that everyone would be like this guy!

Sunday at church, was a bit disappointing but at the same time uplifting. A lot of our investigators that said they would show up, didn't show up. But Tichauna and Tsitsi both came to the meeting, as well as Tsitsi's siblings and neighbor friends. It was awesome! And then we had a recent convert bring two of his friends and a member bring some of his friends as well. It was amazing! They were all under the age of 16, but there was so many of them! Haha we keep joking how every Sunday, the people that show up to church never seem to be the people we invite, so we should just stop inviting. No, but it was good.

Stop Monkeying Around
Yesterday, Sunday, we were casually eating our lunch at our house after church had ended. Then just as we were about to put our home made pasta in our mouths, we hear this scampering above us on the ceiling. We didn't think much of it, but then seconds later we hear it again! Then a huge bang on a door. We were like "What is going on?" Then out of nowhere a monkey, about 2 feet tall swings over to the open window and acts like it is about to enter into the house! Luckily we prevented it from doing so, but later we go and check outside and see at least 3 monkeys around us in the trees in our yard, surrounding us. It was pretty cool. But that night they kept scampering on the roof making some noise. And in the morning we saw two metal sheets from a overhanging patio fall off onto the ground. It was an easy fix. But I think we are going to start seeing a lot more monkeys come to our yard in the near future, since the fruits on our trees are starting to grow.

Well I hope that everyone had a great week this week!!
Elder Parco
1) Me my Father (Trainer) And Brothers, in that order.
2) The Bindura Clan
3) Stop Monkeying around...

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