Monday, March 13, 2017

Both wins and losses

Just a little update on Gannet. So we have been teaching him all the lessons, he has been reading and going to church every week! And we scheduled his baptism to be this last Sunday on the 12th... but sadly something happened. He just disappeared. We haven't seen him for two weeks! But last time we saw him he was talking about how his uncle was going to kick him out of the house and he would have no where to stay. So we think that he is living with his mother somewhere in RIO which is pretty far from Rimuka, the place that the church is. It is so sad that we just lost him, but I know that he knows the gospel is true and eventually he will make his way back to church.

Also something else kinda of sad, there has been this couple that we have been trying to get married so they can be baptized. But all these problems keep happening with money and Lobola, and not have ID's and stuff. It has been a little bit of a hassel, but the saddest thing is that they haven't come to church for a while! They were so committed. But we just need to find out what's stopping them and work from there.

A Golden Investigator!
We met this wonderful Lady this week! Tsitsi! She is amazing! And the way we found her was even cooler! We were walking down an alley and my companion stopped to talked to her because she has the cutest baby ever. So we met and talked with her and her mother and then shared a message with them then left. Then during the week we run into her mother, and we talk to her and set an appointment. Then when we came to the appointment, the mother was busy because she was called into work being a police officer. But Tsitsi, the daughter was there. We taught her a little about the Restoration, then met up with her the next day. By the time Sunday rolled around we had taught her about the full message of the Restoration and a bit about the Book of Mormon. We invited her to church, and guess what she came!! She got a bit lost on the way and had to call her telling directions to the church, but she came with not just herself, but all of her siblings and one of her siblings friends! It was amazing! Then she tells this amazing story. Saturday, she was reading from the Book of Mormon that we gave her, then one of her neighbors goes up to her and starts to bash on the church, saying that it is Satanic and that the Book she was holding was from the devil. So she goes and stands up for herself saying that she know that this is the true word of God and that she will go to this church! It was such a touching story to hear, and she also said that her other neighbors said that they wanted to come to church as well the following week! It was such a miracle! And am so happy for the strength that she had!

Random things for the Week
So I know I didn't mention this before, but the schedule of our studies and going to the area has changed for missionaries all over the world, making times more flexible. As well as the indicators that we report weekly. But anyways, it was recommended that for missionaries serving in Africa should start their day at 9am and get home at 6pm. But since Zimbabwe is like one of the safest countries in Africa, our mission decided what time our schedule should be. So we are now supposed to get out to the area by at least 9-10am and return by 7pm. Unless.. You have a dinner appointment or a lesson scheduled past that time. So it is pretty close to the same schedule. But I don't think that the new schedule will affect us very much anyways. But it's something new that has happened.

And now for, Things you wouldn't expect to do in Zimbabwe:
So we saw this tree in our yard of the ginormous house that we have. And well we decided that a rope swing would be a perfect thing to put up there. We bought some rope, found a board, and wella! Made a rope swing! It really didn't take that long, but it was so cool when it was finished! 
Also this week we decided to have a bonfire. So we did. And for dinner that night, we bought some hot dogs and cooked them over the fire and put them in bread! It was super good! Then yesterday it was Elder Robisons birthday, so we celebrated by cooking up some marshmellows that we found in the store. And cooked them up just like the old days. They were super expensive since they were imported, but it was worth it.

Well I hope that everyone has just a wonderful and great week! I love you all!

Elder Parco

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