All Guys District
So now that the Sisters all left our District, we now have a district of just all guys. Which is pretty cool. So a bit about Kadoma: Our Zone is pretty spread out, to get to the district above us, it will take about a 40 minute drive, and the district below us will take about an hour drive. So pretty far. Meaning, the only people we really see are the people who are in our district. And since it is a district of all guys, well it makes it nice. Haha So 4 of us stay in the huge house that we have. Taking a good guess here but it is probably the biggest house that the mission has for missionaries! It is truly a mansion! (But still not really) haha And the zone leaders, (or other two missionaries) live in the house that we came from! Which is still super big! But it will be 2 people in a house that can hold 8! But I guess whatever works! But all the guys in the district are pretty cool, and we get along really well, so I can see this transfer being a good one.
Memorable lessons
This week we had some pretty cool lessons. To start off we had this one bigger guy, who is a father, a rasta, who wears a Bennie, has dreads, chops wood on the daily, and is a disk joker (DJ) in his free time. He is the most chill guy ever. haha When we were teaching him, sitting on stumps from his tree cutting place, there was a guy that started to interrupt the conversation. Then our friend Clemence snaps at him "Hey don't interrupt us when we are learning about Jesus!" It was such a funny moment. Haha The lesson went well, and just loved this guy.
We also met this other guy, Jealous, who had problems with drinking and smoking and wanted to stop because he saw the effects that it was taking in his life and affecting his family. So we had a great lesson teaching him how he can be able to be clean through the help of Jesus Christ atonement. It was a powerful lesson. But the coolest thing was that we met him on the street before about a week ago, and then we were just randomly checking up on people and knocked on his door. Totally wasn't planned to even see his but it was awesome!
And Finally we had a super spiritual lesson with a guy named Ronald. We talked to him for a while and had a great talk. He believed God was there but really didn't feel that he love him or if Jesus even really existed. He was also going through a harder time that day. But we just talk about God and what we believe. And at the end of the lesson we had him pray for the first time in his life. It was amazing! And super powerful!
Sunday's Surprise
Sunday, filled with disappointment and surprises. So sadly when we got to church, none of the people that we taught were able to show up. It was very disappointing. But then we get to church and someone is like, "Hey Takutswa Is here!" And we were both like "What?" So we go into church and we see Takutswa that came to church. But honestly, both of us didn't really remember when we met him, or even taught him. But it was a miracle to see that he came! Then after the first hour of church, he said "Wow, this church is really great! I like it!" And it was so awesome! Then!! Then third hour of church, an investigator Steer came! Which was also a miracle! Because the day before we just randomly met him and talked to him and told him a little about the Restoration. Then invited him to church! It was so amazing! Because he actually came to church! It was such a nice surprise to see both of those guys at church. It made up for all of the other investigators who were not able to make it.
Well I hope that everyone had a great week this week! Love you all!
Elder Parco
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